Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Brag time

Well...before I begin to brag...I need to just reflect on myself as a HORRIBLE teacher blogger! Okay, now that that is out of the way onto bragging about you and your amazing littles!

1.  FIREBALLS...one of the top 3 in attendance at Spring Creek BBQ SPEAR-IT night!
2.  Angel donations...
                                        What a wonderful holiday this little girl is going to have thanks to all of you!

3. Homework...I've gotten several videos already and the little are so excited to share their customs and traditions with their friends.
4.  FIREBALLS...just overall  are doing GREAT.  I just love how hard everyone is working and how proud they are of themselves! (GRIT GRIT BABY)

I am so thankful that I get to be a part of this group of littles lives!  Thank you all for everything you do to support your little, me and our school!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving...

Happy Holidays everyone!!! I am so thankful for each and every little...they bring me so much joy! I am thankful for each and everyone of you for allowing me to be their teacher and for all of the support you give to us!

please don't forget about our little 3 year old girl.  Her needs are the BASICS and her wants are toddler headphones, little Einstein toys and large legos...
Thank you to all that have donated...Please think about this little one as you are out shopping on Black Friday! ;)  Thank you!

I am SO far behind on uploading VIPs and classroom pictures and videos.  I will try to work on those over the holidays and get caught up!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

December Homework

Hi Parents,
December homework was sent home this week.  It is not due until the week 7-11.  We will share as they are finished! 
This month we are all about TECHNOLOGY and the holidays.  Our objective is to compare and contrast holiday customs and traditions!  This year we wanted to send it home before Thanksgiving because many of us have traditions that begin this coming week!!! I would like for you and your child to create a documentary style video documenting those traditions.  Your child should be the narratorhe/she can discuss/interview/share your holiday traditions.  I would like for you all to be as creative as you wishLast year we had a cooking demo of a special cookie from Ireland!  So much fun for the kids to see what is important to each of us!

The easiest way for us to be able to view is to upload to youtube and send us the link.  However, you may try to send it via email on a flash driveor even dropbox (Im sure there are many other ways as well)

some examples:

Have FUN!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015

SPEAR-IT! Springcreek BBQ night!

We've got SPEAR-IT, yes we do!  We've got SPEAR-IT, how about you???

Please join your school friends at Spring Creek Barbeque THIS Tuesday, November 17th from 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. to show your school spirit and help our school earn some money.  Spears will receive 20% of ALL the evening's proceeds. 

Come have your teacher serve you some delicious warm bread...

5-5:30pm: Christine Guy, Jordan Barcena and Susie Jones

5:30-6pm:  Amy Saye, Samantha Rodriguez and Holly Bowman

6-6:30pm:  Megan Calisto, Elizabeth Yeager and Heather Elliott

6:30-7pm:  Stacy Grau, Olivia Baxter and Jennifer Sherer

7-7:30pm:  Meg Connor and Julianne Rhodes

7:30-8pm:  Steven Rand and Jenny Giesbrecht

   We look forward to seeing you there...don't forget to mention Spears Elementary when you're   paying for your yummy meal so that it benefits our school and kids.   

Wendy Erickson, Partnerships

Spears Elementary

Monday, November 2, 2015

Last week...

Catch up!
 Witen was recognized by the 'AMP" team...he has shown great musical talents in Mrs. Dunning's class!  And Zinedean (not pictured) was recognized for his artistic talents in Ms. V's class!  Wow...we are amazing!
Our first group of littles in the Principal's Math Club...they were able to count to 120 by 10s, 5s and 2s!  There will be PLENTY of opportunities for everyone to join...keep working!

Watch Dog Daddy...Thanks to Mr. Saye for coming and hanging out with us!! Please come back soon!

Thank you all for my TREATS...no tricks this year...Whew!

14 schools days! 

Birthday Fun

This little has been waiting ALL month for her BIG day!   We had so much fun celebrating with her!

Elizabeth's VIP Week!!!

This little is full of SPUNK...she definitely has GRIT, working hard and having fun!  Thanks for a GREAT week little one!
Celebrating their VIP weeks together.  

Friday, October 30, 2015

Hello Spears Families:

Does your family always wind up with an abundance of leftover HALLOWEEN CANDY and not know what to do with it? This year the Spears PTA is partnering with Operation Gratitude to give you a solution!

Collection containers will be on the cafeteria stage from November 2-6th.  Bring in your excess (new) candy and we will ship it to our Troops serving overseas.  Feel free to include letters, cards, toothbrushes and or floss as well.  Our troops love getting care packages!

This candy will be enjoyed by our Troops and handed out to those less fortunate in the many parts of the world where candy is non-existent.  In return,  the Spears community will get information, build relationships and bring communities together.

Thank you in advance for you generosity,
Erin Small, Healthy Lifestyles Chairperson

I have put the following pages in your child's red folder.  Please read over and guide your child!  Please note they are due between November 5-9.  Let's help this little turkey OUT!!!

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