Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Brag time

Well...before I begin to brag...I need to just reflect on myself as a HORRIBLE teacher blogger! Okay, now that that is out of the way onto bragging about you and your amazing littles!

1.  FIREBALLS...one of the top 3 in attendance at Spring Creek BBQ SPEAR-IT night!
2.  Angel donations...
                                        What a wonderful holiday this little girl is going to have thanks to all of you!

3. Homework...I've gotten several videos already and the little are so excited to share their customs and traditions with their friends.
4.  FIREBALLS...just overall  are doing GREAT.  I just love how hard everyone is working and how proud they are of themselves! (GRIT GRIT BABY)

I am so thankful that I get to be a part of this group of littles lives!  Thank you all for everything you do to support your little, me and our school!

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