Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Here we go....

I'm not even sure where to start! So this might just be a HODGE PODGE...

College Week....
We had hat day!!! and of course we had to have a silly picture too!

 Lot's of interesting characters on Career Day...
 This little will study endangered animals!
A POP STAR of course...
 A future Veterinarian...I know my Beansli would be at her office!
 A college football player!
Look at our Astronaut.
 This little will study small things! (she's hiding her hand lens!)

This ones for my two SILLY littles!
 Group SHOT!  
What a GROUP and...
they are ALL MINE!

Yesterday was Constitution Day.

I had an image of the Preamble to the Constitution on the projector... We talked about why that group of men wrote the Constitution...and connected it to our classroom.  I asked if they thought we needed a set of rules for our classroom...They said, "NOOOOOOOO!"  I overheard one little say, "We can just throw trash wherever we want."  We talked about just throwing our food and wrappers and paper all over the floor and never picking it up! Most everyone liked that idea...until one said, "What about the ants that will come in our room?"  GOOD question!!! After a discussion of the consequences for what they thought sounded like FUN...the decision was made, "We NEED a constitution."  I let the littles talk with a partner about what they thought our room should look like. What WILL we do in order for it to be a safe, fun place to be!  This is their document!
 ALL theirs and I LOVE IT!!!
They only signed it IF they were going to promise to do these things all the time!

Writing Goals...
First Grade is all about creating independent little people that are able to look at what they are doing and analyze it! This week I introduced our writing goal chart...We talked in length about everyone has goals that fit them! It doesn't matter where we are on the chart just that we are there we are working towards making ourselves better! I had thought that I would let the littles pretty much put their name on the chart and then in the coming weeks we would be conferencing and changing their goals around! I let them get with partners and look over their writing pieces and determine where they thought their first goal should be...

WOWZERS...I heard conversations like.  I never I most of the time put spaces between my words but sometimes I forget.  I don't think I need to really make that my goal. I just need to be careful.  I can write a sentence really good but I don't use the word wall very well. I think I  need to work on that!
It was just CRAZY to me how "RIGHT ON" most of them were!

More than and Less than using number lines and 120 charts!

This one may have been posted before... My days and weeks are blending together!

This week we introduced listening to good readers and buddy reading as well...

And then Sharing!! This one is DEFINITELY enjoying books and sharing his LOVE with our class! I can barely contain myself!

That's all I've got for today! Next week...I'll try to stay more on top of things!

P.S...I forgot to send home the SCHOLASTIC newspaper! I will do that tomorrow...but you can go online and ORDER without it!!!

Ms. Guy

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