Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Monday, October 6, 2014

I'm really not sure...

why I always feel so lost on Monday. I'm so happy to be here but things just don't flow!  Today we had the Frisco Fire Clowns here!  They put on a GREAT show (as usual) talking to all of us about all sort of safety issues!
I have a video that I will be working on and post as soon as it is put together! Well...it says it is posting...we will see!!!

The next couple of weeks in reading we are going to work on Fix 'Em up strategies.  What to do when we come to a hard word or part of our reading!  This is perfect timing as we start guided reading and books start coming home next week. Today we talked about looking for a "chunk" of the word that we know.
Our first instinct is to "sound it out"!  But Whoa...there goes our fluency once we start that! So, we will be looking at other ways to read through our problems...without giving up too much of that fluency!
We read a story Me Too! It had words like sIT,  thIN, swIM, wIGgle...we talked about in being on our word wall and then just having to add the onset /th/ to the in rime!

In writing this week, we are working on personal narratives.  We are going to work through the writing process together this week and all write about a time we were sick!  I'm pretty certain...no TWO will be exactly alike.  Today we brainstormed and the descriptive words that the littles used were phenomenal! I can't wait til we are done...I am HOPING to actually PUBLISH these for you all to see!  Fingers crossed my technology aspirations work out!

We have another FIRST in SHOW!
She got lots of oohs and aahs on her poster!

This week in math we are talking about Addends, Sums, Missing Addends, and visualizing.  Today we used a part part whole mat to help us discover what addends are!

This afternoon we are having our SECOND class meeting. We discussed Spears' Expectations and what they mean as well as talked about RESPECT...I will be looking for our most respectful student to be recognized at HUDDLE!

Have a great evening!

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