Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


I was so happy to see my littles today! As much as I enjoyed talking to you parents...my heart is happiest with 23 littles talking to ME!!!

Today, "Miss Guy? Are you the bestest teacher in the whole world and you came to Spears to make it the bestest school in the whole world?" I said, "is that what you think?" and this little jumped into my arms and shouted, "YES"! Who wouldn't love this job!

Today was library day! If your little has books at home (or puppies) please send them back tomorrow so I can send them to the library to pick some new ones!

This morning we were supposed to have some visitors...and the littles were so excited to share their independent reading time sharing everything they LOVE about their books with our visitors...We read and we read and we read...NO ONE came! The poor littles were so sad...<this teacher wasn't QUITE so sad but disappointed for the kids>! We had lots of punches during this time.

Our spelling words were introduced for the week: did, they, want and ask.  We talked about onset and rime for did and "rally robinned" real and nonsense words with the rime -id.

We completed our first Flash Draft today. It was a personal narrative.  The littles needed to write about a time they were sad, excited or surprised. This is a writing that they just do on their own with no help from me or from others.  I am so PROUD of them! Here is a sample...

One day I was excited.  for my birthday.  I had a pink cake.  the very next day I was five.

One tuesday nigth I had a nigthmare I was scared i criyed four a hour I stopt criyed

It all began last week on Friday I was sad. I fell on the grond.  Later that day I pute some water on my bump after it hret For a wile and.  Now I pute a bandaid on my bump Now it felse beter.

It all began when I was at my friend Brooklins party and we skatid. all a sudind I slipt and fel down and hert my self.  then I starid cring.  Finally I stopt cring.

One time when it was bed time I was in the hall.  Suddenly the lites went out I was...(to be continued)

It ole be gan win my mom sed I was goinng to the srcus  I was. igsitit  I so (saw) a liin caje  I olso so a elafint he was standing on a bol I wunt to kno how do the elufints do that

One day it was a stormy nigt it was dork out I was watcing tv all usatin linetn bolts flasht.  I was vaery scared it was rellie lawd  Finally it all stoped.

It all began one Friday.  I was going to go to six flak I was so excited.  I was going wif my dad ThaT day I was going to six flak me and dad paly sum game in the car.  Fianlly I was thar me and dad hat so much fun.

To begin it was raneg.  Now it was haleig.  The next mordeig it was ol BaD.  As you can see it was rle  raneg hord and it mad a lawd news on the rowf.

It all biging when my mom came in the classroom.  I was so excited.  I gotit to hog and cist my mom. Next she left I was so sad Finlley I got Betr  the end

It all began I was at the Lego ster.  I went to the supris Lego Box.  I got it  I went home.  it was a piert Lego.  I was icksidid.

It all startid on a darck niht.  it was a hallowing partey it was varey sckarey.  After I pit a fred of my up and we went in the hoteid hose it was varey sckeurey.

It all began on Friday after scooel in May.  Ones I got home mom and  Pland for us to go on a Disnycrese and disny world for a week!  After a while we where on a plan to disny world.  then we went to epcot  the next day we were all paked for the disny crose for 5 day.  Finally on May 9 it was my mom's birthday and we were at the magickigdom.  On Saterday we went home it was a asom vacashon.

It all bgan one sturday moneg  I woc up. I ws so x (excited) I yeld IT IS MY Brthay.  I ran to the livegrom I fgot to to wak my mom and Dad.  So I wac my mom and dad and we wt to c binar
finle it ws aftr it ws tim.  to go to Bed zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

It all begin when I was scared of lihgtning  I hid udner my bed and I got out and ask my mommy that I was scared of lightning.  And my mom tall me that some things abuot lightning.  And it was done.

It all began wen I feyl excited on ole scooll feyld chrips thay are so FUN!

I love that they are really trying to use those transitions.  We will continue to work on punctuation and capital letters!

Our VERY Special Student


Thank you to all who ordered!  This is the pile we have now for the classroom!  Thank you to Sepano for  ordering Hot Rod Hamster off our wish list!   The Old Lady Who Swallowed a Desk was free to EVERYONE in the class!  Enjoy!  I believe we will have a book fair here soon. I will send home order forms after that!  Books make GREAT holiday gifts!!! If you ever want to order "secretly" let me know and I will send home in a sealed bag or hold them here for you to pick up!

SPEAR-IT Sprint T-shirts!  SO stinking CUTE!!!

Get ready to PINK OUT the school.  We are asking all students and staff to wearPINK in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month on Wednesday, Oct 15th. 

Have a wonderful evening!  Homework folders came home!  See post before this one!

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