Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Okay, I was going to wait until everyone was done and we got them published using some technology...But I'm so excited about their writing that I can barely contain myself!  So...I'm going to share!!!

A few things you should know about first grade published writing...

  • word wall words or words that follow a word wall word pattern should be spelled correctly
  • phonetic spelling is A-OK! When we edit if we cannot figure the word out within 3 sec. then I will spell it correctly for them.
  • a sentence should have a beginning capital letter, spaces and ending punctuation  (at this stage littles LOVE to experiment with other punctuation as well)
So...please enjoy these first few...

One nit I wok up.  I smeld a bad smel. I fek I am going to vomit.  Aftr I vomit I wet to moms bed.  Finally it mad me better.

It all began at school on Wednesday.  I was learning and then my stumik startd to hert.  I amost vomited.  It was painful.  Then I did vomit!  It was uscasting.  It  was everywhere, even on the seling too.  Later that day  I coudit play hokey and hokey is my life!  At last I strtiid to feel beter.  I got my life back.

One day i was jumping on the trenlien and landed on my arm.  I started to think I broke my arm.  Finally my mom took me to the hospital.  The  X ray said it was broken.

It all began one Saturday night. I felt dizzy.  That night I ran to the toilet.  I told my mom and dad I am going to throring up!  Later I ha to tac a bath.  Finally, it all stop.  Yah! Yah!

It all began one day in the morring on a school day.  My tummy hrt so bad.  I did not feel good.  Later that day I was sleeping  Then suddenly I wock up and ran to the bath room.  I thrwn up!  I did not feel good.  Finally I felt better.

One Friday it began in my bed, I woke up and I codit go to school.  I felt akee.  My mom called me in sik.  Then we cudl with ower stuft animals in my  bed room.  I watched a movie. It’s called The Fairy.  Later I went to a stor for meds . At  last I felt betr. 

It was one afternoon I had a stumckbug.  After school I  skiped my soccer practes.  I had two stay home with mom and Ryan.  For dinner I had Chese and crakers instead of chicken.  Then I went to the bed.  Finally in the medil of the night I wokeup. I barly vomited

According to our "I can"  write a personal narrative with a beginning, middle and end.  We started talking about using transition words to help know where the beginning ends and the middle starts as well as ends and the end begins! Each of these stories have some VOICE to it.  I can immediately tell who wrote them based on word choice!  
Please celebrate your little and their writing! I'm so excited! 

Tomorrow is HEALTH SCREENING day!  
Tomorrow is LAST day to turn in a FAMILY SPONSOR for Spirit Sprint!
The 15th is PINK OUT Spears!
This is our First Grade Monthly Newsletter! I will be posting them here each month as well as being on the Spears First Grade Website! (hopefully, I tried to upload it early today and nothing technology was going my way grrrrrr!)

OLC time... Other Literacy Components

 Listening to GREAT readers...helps with our fluency and expression!
 Computer programs and apps that allow us to practice reading, writing and spelling.

Buddy reading allows us to share good books and thoughts about our books with a friend!

Our Special Student this week is ENJOYING time with her mom and dad and one of her FAVORITES McDonald's!
Have a great evening!

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