Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Last week...

CHEER EXTRAVAGANZA was a couple weekends ago... The girls invited me to see them compete and I was ELATED...I would love to watch your LITTLE doing his/her thing outside of school!
The girls did such a good job! I was one PROUD teacher!

On Thursday some of my FAVORITE people came and visited our classroom!

This is my 4th Grade reading teacher!  She and my Mom taught together at the time! 
Mrs. Lee...will always be a favorite!

Mr. Lee was a 5th grade teacher and then became a principal! 
Thank you BOTH for visiting. We would LOVE to have you back!
My mom, Mrs. Guy also came...I just didn't get any picture of her! She lives near by and is looking forward to coming back soon!  Everyone had such WONDERFUL, KIND things to say about our Littles!  

Thursday's craft project!!! Be looking for the TURKEY as SPRING CREEK BBQ on Tuesday evening! As you can see FIRST GRADE LOVES their monogramming...(even though I messed up and left out the middle of my "O"...just humor me and pretend it's t here! LOL)

As you can see from our "I Cans" above...we are moving on to coins! Please start a little cup full of coins for your child to practice identifying, counting LIKE collections (7 dimes, 20 nickels, 4 quarters...) to 1.00. For those that can do that easily then you may want to start giving them unlike collections (2 dimes and a nickel, 5 pennies, 1 dime and 2 nickels)...They will need to be able to identify what 1 coin they could trade  those unlike sets for!  We practice this with our WOW bucks. There are some that are still struggling!  So...as much practice as possible is always GOOD!  

We will be adding some equal equation work to our math tubs...practice is still needed is feeling CONFIDENT with this concept... Using the coins will be a great way to demonstrate...
1 quarter is equal to _______.   4 nickels is equal to _______.  You get my drift!!

Can you believe we only have these 5 days left until the TRUE holidays begin! Wow!!!

Homework:  Due on the 20th. Would love to have as soon as it is completed!
Angel Gifts: Can be sent as soon as you have them...LABEL bag: 573-1190
Gender: Boy Age: 6 Pants: 7 Husky Shirt: youth Large Show: 3  Coat: 7 Husky Underwear: 8-10
NEED: clothes and shoes
WANT: Bike, Legos, Dinosaurs

I'm not sure I've told you how THANKFUL I am to come spend so many hours a day with YOUR littles.  They are precious and I love them !  Thank you for letting me be their teacher this year!
I couldn't HELP it...I had to BRING BACK the music! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the holidays and the music just makes me all the more happy!!!

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