Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

So sorry...

I have been MIA in the blogging department lately.  I'm not sure what exactly I have been doing.,...I just know that it has been CRAZY busy!

This week our classroom behavior has not been the best!
We are having trouble with expectations we have had since the first day of school...(being in line quietly with our eyes forward and our hands to ourselves).  Unfortunately, today was the day no more reminders were given.  That will be an automatic number change! :(  I have given the littles some alternatives if someone is "bothering them"  raise their  hand and or move to the end of the line!
The other expectation that will no longer receive warnings is "talking back"!  I have also given them an option if they disagree with a decision I have made.  They may ask to discuss what is going on rather than tell me NO because it wasn't their fault! That discussion may or may not take place at that very moment.
I hope if you have any questions about these expectations you will contact me.

This week we have been to the library twice (but not to check out books! We will do that next week on Tuesday.)  but to do some research. We are learning to use Pebblego.com and books to find out important information on given ocean animals.  I have been so proud of the littles. They have worked very well in cooperative groups, making sure everyone has all the information they need. It is so much fun listening to them discuss and help one another! We will use this research to write a composition about our animal.

In math we are learning all about graphs.  We have missed a couple of days due to our research time being at math time...but we will for sure catch up!  We may have a couple of "fun" ones planned for Friday! A graph is an easy way for use to compare data we've collected.  This year we will focus on creating picture and bar graphs!

Sorry for the lack of pictures...

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