Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


This week seems to be flying by! We have had so much to pack into these four days!

In reading we have been continuing to read nonfiction and introduced biographies.  This week has been all about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.  We not only were looking for text features but listening for CONTRIBUTIONS made by each president.  We have enjoyed using that big word this week.

Today, we wrote a little composition about these two great presidents and their contributions to our country.   We found out that George Washington, "Father of our Country", was a leader in the Revolutionary War.  The people were so happy with his leadership that they asked him to be our first president.  If it weren't for his contribution, who knows, we may still be under British law.  And, Abraham Lincoln, "Honest Abe", was our 16th president.  He was all about honesty and fairness.  During his presidency we had the Civil War which ended slavery.  Well, we couldn't stop with just those facts we had to find out how old they would be if they were alive today!  We subtracted their birth year from 2015 and found out George would be 283 and Abe would be 206!! (and yes...someone asked if I was alive then!!!)

This week in math has been all about graphing. We have been coming up with our own questions and choices.  We then collected data and organized that data into a graph!  We had a great time surveying our classmates about all sorts of things!  Tomorrow we will look at our individual graph and use the data from that to answer some questions!

Our study of animals continue in science...
OH WAIT let me back up about 4-5 days...our tadpole arrived!!! We have named it JAKE! At the moment Jake is in the tadpole with backlegs stage.  Next, when it has front legs as well we can call it a FROGLET!!! We are very excited about watching Jake go through the stages of a frog.

Now, back to science. This week is all about how animals transfer energy and the food chain.  Today, we talked about Producers, Consumers, herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores.  This vocabulary should be familiar to your little.  Please try to work it into conversations!

Video CATCH UP...

Have a wonderful day! It won't be long before...

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