Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Fun Times...

Today we played musical place value...Place value can be difficult for littles to grasp...today we worked hard at making it fun!  Everyone was a digit and got at least one chance to become a part of a bigger number. Three digits came up and danced around the place value stools...when the music stopped they found a spot.  The rest of the digits had white boards and markers!  Once the digits were seated it was time for them to write out in expanded form (first) the number and then write the standard form.
ex:  200+30+8  238
The first few times I had a lot of 2+3+8 238...we had to test that one out...and when we came up with 13 there were some quizzical looks and some AH HA moments!  I found that the 10s place gave us the most trouble...

All in all we had a good time and we will continue to work on this so that it becomes easy for everyone!

Friday is Electronic/Game Day!!! The only thing they want to purchase lately!!!

I will be leaving early on Friday and will not be in on Monday.  My little sister and her babies are coming in from North Dakota!!! I can hardly contain myself.  I haven't seen those little munchkins in a LONG time! Thomas is 4 and Nora Christine is 2 so we will be doing lots of fun things for little littles! I know my sweet lightning bolts will be on their best behavior for Mrs. Bader!

We are supposed to get a new friend on Monday as well.  He is coming to us from California!!

Field Trip:
Thank you to everyone that has returned his/her permission slip! Also, thank you to everyone that has volunteered to come along with us! I think we have about 11-12 adults so far! The more the MERRIER!  I will be putting kids in groups...and adults will be responsible for that group! I'm so excited about going to the Arboretum! I think it will be a great SPRING trip.
If you have not sent your form in...please do so by March 27th and make payments on My Payments Plus on the FISD website. (Hopefully, they have it set up for adult payments as well.)

Have a great evening!

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