Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


I think Tuesday is one of the hardest days of the week...and then for it to be the Tuesday of the first week of school! Oh BOY!

We had another good day.  We started the day with a review of the Kissing hand and then read our The First Day of School charts we made yesterday.  We stood up when it was our name...We will continue to work on learning our classmates names.

Today was all about RULES!!!
We went over our classroom rules that can be found in your child's red folder.  We talked about some of the words like compassion and manners...After we felt comfortable with the meaning of our rules and what we thought they might look like...I passed out some situations. I asked the littles to work with their table partners to read the situation and figure out if it was a rule broken or a rule followed. There was some good discussions going on! Then we shared with the class and put our situation on the Tree Chart.

After sharing situations and talking about our rules we got to illustrate and write a rule of our own!!!

After sharing our illustrations of rules it was time to go outside! We had a good playtime and lunch!
Please make sure your child is PRACTICING his/her id number. This will help us get through the lunch line more quickly!

Read Aloud time. We are reading Double Trouble Show and Tell by Abby Klein.  During this time I am reading just for the littles listening enjoyment. It gives us a chance to use the restroom and relax before we jump back into curriculum!

 Abby Klein is one of my favorites for  enjoyment. She writes realistic fiction that the littles can connect with.  In this series she is writing about a set of twins! HHHHMMMMM we have a set and a half in our classroom! She is also the author of Ready Freddy!

Today in math we continued talking about subatizing! I heard some great stories about the conversations you had about this word at home!!! EXACTLY what I love!  Lauren said, "I tried to remember the word and told my mom what it meant...but we just couldn't remember or figure out the word."
I introduced a new "tool" to help us subatize (figure out how many without counting by 1s). Today we used a tens frame and a double tens frame.  I was very impressed with their number sense! We started with a blank 10s frame.  Someone told me it was called a 10s frame because it had 10 boxes...5 on the top and 5 on the bottom.  When there are dots in  the boxes  knowing that there can only be 10 helps us to figure it out quickly!
I then showed them this

 Everyone, quickly said FIVE.  I asked how did you know? Because there are 5 boxes on the the top and they are all full!

 TEN...because all of the boxes are filled!

 Four...hmmm? How did you know that? Some said they saw 2 and 2 someone said 1 and 3 and then Matthew said, "I knew because there are 5 boxes on the top and 1 is not and 1 less that 5 is 4."  I love it!  We are composing and decomposing numbers already!
We saw 9! Some saw 5 and 4 some saw 4 and 4 and 1  and some saw one less than 10!  Is everyone correct YES!!! One little said she knew it was 9 because she pictured 5 fingers on one hand and 4 on the other!
We then played some concentration and tens frame war.
When we finished up we talked about what we did and learned today. We decided that some important words to remember were subatize and 10s frame.  We each reflected about math time in our own journals today! Some wrote that they learned their partners name today at math. Well...I say for the 2nd day of school that is a GREAT thing to learn during math time!

We went to Art today with Mr. T. and tomorrow we will be going to music.

After Art we talked about scientists and set up our science journals. We put in our Table of Contents and a picture of a scientist!
This is a pretty smart group of littles I must say! We decided we are all scientist because we like to discover new things, we like to experiment and observe everything around us!

These girls are recording PUNCHES for GREAT above and beyond behavior! You should have heard the joy this afternoon when I gave out WOW bucks!  "you mean I get 5 AGAIN today?"  Financial literacy is a part of our math curriculum later in the year! Hopefully, we will be ahead of the game!

LOVE LOVE LOVE my littles!
Have a great evening!
Ms. Guy

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