Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday....

I have to admit...I didn't get much "footage" today...you see...I need that reality show!

But, first let me just say we had an AMAZING day today!!!

Let me explain the #s in your child's behavior folder!!! Your child starts with 5 WOW bucks a day. Warnings throughout the day subtract from that 5! So, the first number you see is how many "warnings" (recorded) warnings they had...so 5=0 warnings,  4=1, 3=2...then your child might have a + and some number. When I see them going above and beyond our classroom rules or expectations I will give them a "punch". We have punch cards and when they fill up their punch card they will turn it in for 20 WOW bucks.  I hope this makes sense!

Today we continued talking about rules and used No! David! and David Goes to School!
These two stories are written by David
Shannon.  I had drawn David on our anchor chart and immediately the students KNEW what books we were going to read!  This was the PERFECT time to introduce SCHEMA.  We discussed that our brain was like a BIG OLE filing cabinet filled with things we know.  So when they saw that picture of that silly little boy...they immediately went into that filing cabinet and pulled out his name!  So, schema is what we already know about something! We read these books and made connections to OUR school rules.  We added all the things we think a GOOD STUDENT should do... And then for FUN (yes...I like to have fun in room 312...but SHHHHH don't let the secret out!) we created our own Davids!

Today in Math we reviewed counting by 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s.  Then we tried to write our numbers to 100 by skip counting!  Everyone worked very hard and (hopefully) did their best! Our 1st grade math goal (in order to go visit Mrs. Bustillos) is skip counting by all of these to 100!
then we paired up to "play" our games.  
We were practicing??? YES, SUBITIZING...I must say I had a wonderful conversation with one of my sweet littles today. It went something like this...
 Little: "My mommy says that's not a real word."  
Me: <thinking...OH NO...you mean I've been teaching this and it's not even REAL...I'm in panic mode by this time...because it annoys me every time I type it in I get the red squiggle line under it> "Well, hmmm, you know every time I type it in the computer it comes up as wrong. I am going to have to do some research." 
<Whew, thank goodness for google> 
Little was completely satisfied with that answer but inside I was STILL IN A PANIC.  So during specials I did just that googled it... 
Webster's says:
verb (used without object), subitized, subitizing. Psychology 1. to perceive at a glance the number of items presented, the limit for humans being about seven.

Then I dug a little more and read this article. Feel free to read away...I learned that there are actually two kinds of subitizing...and we work on both of them!!

Today we went to Music with our new music teacher Mrs. Dunning! Tomorrow we will go back to P.E. Remember to have your little in P.E. appropriate shoes and clothing! 

For science we looked at what Science journals look like and the expectations for them!  We also looked at what a REAL scientist is.  One little asked, "Ms. Guy, How do you become a scientist?"  Well, I say she's on her way!  LOVE LOVE LOVE

Ms. Guy

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