Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


AAAAAAUUUUUUHHHHH...So, I told you a little about my technology whoas yesterday...I thought I would come in today and all would be right with the world! UH not so much! But I think things are back on their way to being right in my world! YAY.

On Friday, I experienced my FIRST HUDDLE! Please forgive me...I didn't know what I was in for and so...once again technology failed me or I failed at it...Wasn't prepared for all the videos I could have taken!  So this will be a snippet and hopefully I will be better prepared next time!

We are ready for some FUN! 

 Frisco High School Cheerleaders were here to talk to us about Little Miss Cheer!  Looks like a date night for Mom and Dad! I think we will be sending home more information!
Mrs. Bustillos, Mrs. Corley and Mrs. Padilla were ready to lead us in Huddle Time!

We were reminded about recycling! GO GREEN TEAM!

Mrs. Dunning (our new music teacher) lead us is a FUN movement song! The teachers had no idea what they were doing!
I think that was a time I was GLAD we weren't a reality T.V. show!

The littles had fun moving and singing. They had learned the song in Music Class with 
Mrs. Dunning !

And now for some of my MAD videoing skills <frumpy face>
I will try to get our whole song next time...MAYBE...I'll even know it by then!

In the classroom we took our first, first grade spelling test!  These will be checked but no grades will be assigned! 

We read another Mrs. Wishy Washy book today.  A Hole In the Tub we did some comparing and contrasting.  We noticed the SAME characters were in both books.  We noticed the animals were muddy in both books. BUT in today's book the problem was how to keep the water from leaking out of the tub!
We made our wishy washy characters and did some "puppet theater"! WELL, since I was the book holder...I couldn't video! I'm going to have to hand over the reigns! But we had lots of fun and some GREAT little puppeteers!

We looked at our first poem and talked about what we already knew about poems.  We said they can be long or short...they can rhyme or not rhyme...We will be revisiting what we know about poems throughout the year! Then we read our first one of this year...and talked about illustrating it! We had a little lesson on people drawing skills!  I by NO MEANS shape or form am an artist...but NO MORE STICK FIGURES without clothes on pleeeeeeaaaase! We looked at drawing characters and adding details to our characters, setting and events! 
We talked about people being shapes put together!!! MMMMMM yep...there ya go! Don't fault me for trying! LOL

We also practiced building our reading stamina!  5 MINUTES in two weeks with EVERYONE on task...(and books that were just handed out) WOO HOO! This coming week I will be introducing shopping for just right books...I think that will only INCREASE our stamina with INTEREST! (But because I have not done all of my or any of my assessments...I will be using teacher judgement!)

Writing time...I used that picture above to talk about a connection I had made the other day! My friend and I decided that we needed to do another 1/2 marathon! HHMMMM not sure we were using our best judgement...but okay. We are starting SLLLLLOOOOOWWWWWW....I looked at my picture and asked myself can my reader tell the characters, check! Can they see the setting, I think so...and maybe get an idea of what my event is...sure! So I was ready to write about our adventure into building stamina!
Then the littles gave it a go...and then we shared!

We used the rekenreks and the book The Sleepover! You got it...there was a bunk bed in this story!! The girls in the story liked to play tricks on Aunt Kate...They started out with 4 on top and 4 on bottom and then sent Aunt Kate to make popcorn...she came up with four and four cups BUT "She was missing a girl!"...Strangely though when she passed out the popcorn cups to the three girls on top and the girls on the bottom she had no cups left! The girls giggled...where did that girl go? and so on! The littles were able to make 8 different ways using the rekenrek to "act it out!" <oh my goodness...speaking of acting it out... back to the top of blog>

Oh boy after specials science tools were set up in the classroom! TODAY was THE DAY...we were going to get to use them! 

All in all...we had another GREAT day in 312! 

Ms. Guy

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