Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Catch Up!!!

Another one of those days...or I guess it could be considered a week now that it's going on more than one day!

Yesterday we had a meeting right after school so there was no time to blog...Just get the homework posted and move on....But we did go to the library and Mrs. G taught us all about being library ninjas! And I just loved it and had to share!!! I think it's great to have on hand so that we can remind the littles as well...
We are all excited about taking library books home! I have decided that it is best to leave one here and take one home!  They can trade it out daily if they wish...however, when we have Look Book time...that is a PERFECT time for library books! So...if you could PLEASE help your little remember to always have at least one book at school that would be GREAT.  Also, Library is each Tuesday and we cannot check out new books if we have not returned our others!

I had the blog almost completed and had to log out of google and log in to my school address...well... OF COURSE I didn't save it so now I'm having to redo...therefore, I'm just skipping to today!

We continued to talk about Author's Purpose P.I.E. The kiddos are amazing!  Today I had a PILE Of "reading material" and we had to sort it by the Author's Purpose. We had a great time discussing our thoughts and of COURSE I forgot *kind of a slacker* to take pictures!
As we were going to writer's workshop I overheard some littles talking about what kind of author they were going to be today and why... I heard, "I'm going to write a totally made up story to entertain you." One said, "I'm going to write facts about myself so that is going to be inform."  Persuasive is a little bit harder...but WATCH OUT once we get started on that! These littles can persuade me to do pretty much anything!

I did take a video of author's chair today...but it was VERY long and Youtube doesn't want to upload it at the moment!

In math we continued with The Masloppy Family.  Today we did some problem solving.  Nicolas has 22 socks. How many pairs does he have?
We were all good with the 22...It was that word PAIR that bogged some of us down. We talked about it and some got it and some not so much...but these two are MATH ROCK STARS today!

WAY TO GO...not only did they solve it but they also explained their thinking and how they got the answer!

Yesterday we talked about the most efficient way to group (organize) a large amount of objects to make counting easier!  We decide 10s was the best way.  And then that connection  of a group of tens is like a 10s frame.  So we recorded our bag of "goodies" on tens frames today and completed our chart!

So...we are starting to look at PLACE value!!! Keep it coming!!!

In science we are talking about Weather.  (Hopefully, tomorrow or Friday we  will have a weather change)...I find this subject to be not so hands on in Texas! It's hot, hotter or even MORE HOT!

take home folders
today folders are packed full of stuff...be sure to take it out and look it over!
Next week is COLLEGE WEEK...Fun times!
Curriculum Night is Tuesday 9/16 for K-2 and Thurs. 9/18 for 3-5

I feel like I'm leaving out half of our day....Not sure where my head is this afternoon!

Have a great evening!
Ms. Guy

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