Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Well...I  thought I had lunch and carpool duty all day and that we were going to P.E.! Thank goodness for my roomful of firsties to keep me straight!

We had one more QUICKIE practice outside and in the cafeteria this morning bright and early...Just in case anyone forgot over the long weekend. But nope we were ALL GOOD... However, everyone wanted to know when lunch was starting at about 9:00! And all I was wondering was when's nap time (for myself)!

We started introducing spelling and word wall words today.  This morning I put "I am..." on the board we added our own name to the end of the sentence and put our name in the pocket chart. This way our friends can start to put the written name with a face.  We will be adding these to our word wall this week! I explained that once we add something to our word wall we are RESPONSIBLE for spelling those words or "chunks" correctly in any writing we do!

9:30 Library time!
Mrs. Guerrero told us ALL about shelf markers and how to use them.  She also told us that the stickers on the spine of the books are their addresses and we needed to try to make sure they were always in the right spot!

We are not bringing our library books home this week!  Next week after we have talked about how to get our books home and back to school and how to treat them at home we will start bringing them home. We will go to library regularly on Tuesday at 9:30.  Please help your FIRSTIE have their books here at school!

After being in the library was perfect way to start talking about Independent Reading time of our readers workshop.  We talked about what it should look like and sound like.  There are just so many smarties in here.  Everyone should be in their spot "reading" their books. We have not picked JUST right books yet but we will soon. After talking about it we had a few demonstrations of  GREAT independent reading time and some of mmmmmm not so good independent reading time.  We all had a good time laughing at the inappropriate behavior (that will never HAPPEN!).
Then I passed out book boxes and some "readers" sent them to their reading spots and we were to practice for 3 minutes today! That 3 minutes passed so quickly and we did NOT need to come back because someone forgot what it was supposed to look like or sound like! WAY TO GO LITTLES!!!

We will continue to practice for 3-5 minutes this week and next week we will increase our time!  Our goal is to increase our STAMINA to about 30-40 minutes by the end of the year! I will keep you posted.  During this time I will be calling groups to the table or just walking around conferencing with your little ones!

For math today we used the Rekenrek...more on that one later...
Then we used our names to create a graph! The title was How Many Letters in Our Names...I added the title and the numbers at the bottom and just asked students to put their name where they thought it belonged.  This was for me to see if they knew how to build a graph.  Some went right up and said 6 because I have 6 letters in my name. But some put it in 6 and said that's how old I am...(didn't have 6 letters) ! As we continued to build our graph some decided maybe they should move their name to a different number...In the end this is what we came up with!
I love our interpretations of our graph...We have some mathematicians in here! We used words like more than, least, greatest and equal!
Then we got to go to math tubs.  We had some new "games"...Everyone is working on building that strong number sense foundation!

After math we headed to Mr. T's room for a little ART!  Then some snack and science.
In science today we reviewed some tools we will be using in science and their names. Then the littles had to match the pictures and the words up and glue them in their science journals!

I told my babes today how much I missed them over the weekend.  I know I only known them for a week...but they are UH MAZE ING little people!
Have a great evening!
Ms. Guy

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