Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

A Beautiful...

Saturday!  I hope everyone is enjoying it!  I hope to get caught up and make it to my nephew, Hank's baseball game by 2:00! Then it's date night with the little guy! We are going to see...

We have read the book (of course), seen the play at DCT and now the movie!  Perfect evening!

Last week seems like EONS ago!  We packed so much into it...Conferences, SPEAR-It Sprint, Electronic Day, Ball Sorting, Flash Drafts...WHEW and then I had several meetings so I'm not even sure what I've posted and what hasn't been...forgive me if there are repeats...

DISCLAIMER: I am releasing myself from the videoing duties...probably as the year goes on the videos will be much better than I could do!


On Tuesday we got to learn more about our super little of the week.  He shared his all about me poster and READ a book to us!

Wednesday...Parent Poem...
Jaron is our first born son,
and he is full of fun.

He is awesome,
and he is handsome.

He is six years old,
and he is strong and bold.

He has a very cute smile,
and he can run for a mile.

He loves to swim in th pool,
and he is always cool.

He is good at sharing,
and he is very loving.

Sometimes he is very funny,
and he loves outdoors when it is sunny.

Sometimes he acts silly,
and he doesn't like chilly. (a red pepper)

He loves to read Ms. Guy's blog,
and loves to watch the moving morning fog.

He loves to play superheros with his brother,
and also plays peek-a-boo with his sister.

He loves to jog with his daddy,
even if it is cloudy.

He loves to eat vanilla cake
and helps mommy to bake.

On Thursday the WHOLE family came to celebrate!

On Friday our little had a little Show and Tell time!


He told me he LOVED playing in the park and going to Ihop...AND...meeting his "twin"!

We all enjoy our social time...

Speaking of FOOD and Lunch...Let's support our school and eat at Chick-Fil-A (one of my Favorites!) 10/21 Don't forget to tell them you are from SPEARS!

We were sorting and classifying...we will be doing lots of this throughout the year!  

Look at what we brought in...
"Orange Balls"
"Fluffy Balls"
"Bumpy Balls"
"Smooth Balls"
"Mostly Blue Balls"
"Big Balls"
"Small Balls"
"Circle Balls" OOPs we meant they are spheres
"Oval Balls" then we looked it up and found out that it is considered an ellipsoid...
"Round Balls"

Not only are we using our balls to help us sort and classify but we will be using them to add SPARKLE/WHAM POW to our writing as well! Might as well start using adjectives!

Throw a little SPEAR-IT SPRINT in right here (as soon as I get it all put together I will share PROMISE! Also, if any of you all have pictures to share with me PLEASE do!)...

Lightning Bolts are LOOKING good....BEFORE...

The Lightning Bolts are LOOKING UHmmmm....AFTER...

We use our GREAT behavior to save up WOW bucks. Every other (or almost) Friday we have a store.  We can buy bring a stuffed animal to school, shoes off, eat with a friend, eat in the classroom, buy a pencil, or buy a special "treat" for the class...Rachel K. chose Electronic/Game day!  So after a hot run...we cooled down with some game time!

10/24  Gabby bought everyone bring a stuffed friend to school!

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