Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Happy Monday!

Our Spears Yearbook presale will close on Friday,  January, 23rd! Please preorder a yearbook today! If not preordered, you are NOT guaranteed a yearbook in the spring!

Be sure to click on the link below to order a yearbook today!
www.balfour.com and search for Spears Elementary!

If you have questions, click here to email Laura Harbron at harbronl@friscoisd.org

Author Janet Tashjian , her son and illustrator, Jake 
were here to visit with us today!

Tashjian  has written 14 books...such as...

We learned that in about 1st grade Jake started having trouble in school.  He found that he was a VISUAL learner.  So...he started illustrating all of his vocabulary words...

 This is an example...
Jake illustrated one of his mom's books.  She presented it to her publisher and the publisher thought she had hired a professional cartoonist.  Jake has now illustrated 7 of his mom's books!
Can you guess what word this illustration is of??? 

As a PUBLISHED author she gave us some good tips...

Mrs. Padilla came to visit us again today! We always look forward to her visits and the adventures of Mr. Wigglebottom (I think that was his name...)

She talked to us about our character trait RESPECT as well...

I think this is very IMPORTANT to remember when it comes to a bully!
"Be BRAVE, Be BOLD, A teacher must be TOLD"

This went along with our reading lesson as well today!  "HEY...I can make a connection"!
Making connections to important parts of text is what good readers do!

Today we talked about a fable.  
  • teaches a moral
  • has animal characters that often act as humans
  • old stories
So, we "read" Belling the Cat.

Then we talked about the moral.  A good plan is of no use if it is not carried out.
After that we decided to make some connections to the important parts.
We decided that the cat is a bully, the mice are regular kids and if we are not BRAVE, BOLD and able to TELL someone then that bully gets to keep being a bully!
I'd say that is a PRETTY AWESOME connection!!!
Thankfully, we were not able to make a text to SELF connection but several TEXT to TEXT connections...Several littles connected the cat to Max in Ready Freddy and the mice to Freddy...However, Freddy's friend does stand up to him so she is more like Wigglebottom!

During math today we has the WOWZERS store open... the littles are getting really good at counting their WOW bucks.  We did a little refresher...looking at 10s and 1s...We said that if we wanted to buy shoes off we needed 2 groups of 10 and 5 ones, bring a stuffed friend needed 4 groups of 10...We are working on making connections in math as well...(transfer of knowledge)

Then for science we went down to Ms. Schrader's room to experiment with Changing Matter.  What energy is used to melt ice?

And to finish off our day we talked about the properties of our balls.  We observed them and listed the observable properties such as size, color, and texture.

Please bear with me this week as we are trying to get MATH CBA #1 done this week. Unfortunately, it takes more than math time to get it completed. Therefore, I am reading with a group or two a day and then giving a few CBA's...if your child doesn't get a new book PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE understand that we are reading it's just impossible to fit everything into one day! 

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