Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


I'm not sure there is any other word to describe today!  WOW! I can't remember the last time it was this cold in November...I love the cold weather except that we can't go outside! Hopefully, it will warm up at least a little bit soon!

Today was PLC planning day for the teachers...and that means EXTRA specials time for the littles! Yay!!! What fun.

Today we visualized one of my favorites...

My Neighbor's Dog is Purple

My neighbor's dog is purple,
It's eyes are large and green.

It's tail is almost endless,
The longest I have seen.

My neighbor's dog is quiet,
It does not bark one bit.
But when my neighbor's dog is near,
I'm afraid of it.

My neighbor's dog looks nasty,
It has a wicked smile.
Before my neighbor painted it,

I LOVE their visualizations! And I think poetry is such a FUN way to practice our visualization!!

In math we continue to practice equal equations...

I think he's got it!!!
This one does a great job explaining (demonstrating) her strategies!

And this one because I LOVED his equation...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!!!

After lunch (book fair) our classroom found itself with SEVERAL new books...
Kendall bought us a Christmas book that we will read after Thanksgiving.
Dylan bought us a Pete The Cat The First Thanksgiving...it will be PERFECT for next week and
Hot Rod Hamster.  We read Hot Rod Hamster and once again...the littles choose the PERFECT colored bin for it!  Some are excited that they can read it now and some are looking forward to moving on to that bin!
Lucas bought us Waking Dinosaurs...we enjoyed that one as well this afternoon and chose the perfect spot for it as well!

Speaking of Lucas...We'd like to THANK his dad for coming in today as our WATCH DOG dad!  It was crazy this morning and I didn't get a picture of the two of them! Hopefully, someone will send the "official" picture and I can add it HERE!

This afternoon we watched a movie about inventors.  We are going to BE inventors next week!  So much fun!  During this unit we are going to be studying  Benjamin Franklin, Garrett Morgan, Alexander Graham Bell, and Thomas Edison! So much fun!!!

Lightning Bolts Adventures

This just captures Liam's personality so PERFECTLY!!! I think he turned Lightning Bolt into a silly longhorn...
I just hope that SILLY longhorn behaves himself at the Landrum's this week!!!

Stay warm...7 school days until...

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