Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Between the
full moon

and the 
cool temperatures...

We've got some crazy littles! Haha! However, we are managing to have more punches than number changes so that makes for a 
happy teacher!

Today, 11-11-14 is Veteran's Day!
We tied Veteran's Day into visualization.  We listened to the song/poem and visualized what the words meant.   The littles did a great job!  I overheard many of them talking about veterans they have in their family and who they were remembering today! I love that they are making meaningful connections to our lesson/text as well!
Visualizing=creating a mental image using schema and text.

Then we went to the book fair for our preview visit! Today your little will come home with his/her wish list and a scholastic flyer!  YOU may come Wed. Thurs. or Friday at 10:30 (recess) to take your little to  purchase books!  IF you are not able to attend...on Thursday we will be going back for anyone that wants to purchase that day. Please send money in an envelope/baggie marked BOOK FAIR! Or you can order online. The books will be sent directly to the school. Lots of ways to GOOD books into our littles HANDS...

I'm not sure I've ever had a class so EAGER to read!!! It is so much fun just watching them talk to each other about what they have read and want to read!  Today Palmer bought our classroom a couple of books...I read them and asked them what color bin they thought it should go in (funny thing is they were right on!!!) there were some that were completely BUMMED out because it wasn't in one of their COLORS...But we are having LOOK book time every day during OLC so  everyone is getting to read from all bins at least once a week!

In math...we can understand that the equal symbol represents the SAME VALUE on each side!!!
I had a GREAT video of one of my sweet lightning bolts explaining this yesterday...ONLY to be told by another "UH, Ms. Guy you are on PHOTO."  UGGGG

We are working with the balance scales as a visual to explain this concept of equal values! We are getting REALLY good at 2+6 = 4+4...but today I threw in 7+2 = 11-2 we had some doubters...until we worked them out and found the values for each equation...SURE enough...they both had a value of 9!!!


1.  Book Fair (This week)
2. Spring Creek BBQ (11-18-14)  First Grade teachers and times Ms. Jones 5:00, Ms. Barcena 5:30
Ms. Guy 6:00  We would LOVE to see lots of littles there!
3.  Fall Break (11/24-28)  GOBBLE GOBBLE!!!

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