Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Customs and Traditions

So this week is all about the First Thanksgiving comparing customs of the past to now and what traditions we have in our homes. I saw this book in our Spears library and it brought back so many HAPPY HAPPY memories. My tradition was to read this book ( I love Mr. Whiskers) and then we would make the Cranberry Bread.  
I read the story to the littles today and here is the recipe if anyone is interested!  

We have been working hard on our Thanksgiving Readers Theater. I'm excited to record tomorrow!  
We also have been illustrating The First Thanksgiving book.  I am LOVING the illustrations. Their mental images coming to life!  I have a sample in imovie ready to go once I get the audio on there to match up!  We need a little more practice! 

Tomorrow we are going to do a little more talking about traditions and customs...We will be making a SUPER cute gobble gobble turkey to go along with our discussion!  I'm really hoping we can fit it all in! 

This week in math we have focused on identifying the coins and their values.  Today, I asked them to match up the names, to the heads, the tails and the value and then order them from least to greatest. We still have some practice on matching fronts to backs and ordering them! Once we worked through all of that...it was TIME to introduce the greater than > and less < than symbol!  We will continue to work on that as well.

AT HOME...keep a handful of mixed coins available for your little to identify (both front and back) and order: greatest to least or least to greatest!  

For independent practice...we had to count a collection of like coins and today was all about the NICKEL!!!  So...the connection was becoming CLEARER...counting by 5s is important to know how much value a handful of nickels has!  

Have a wonderful evening! 

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