Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Good Morning

I hope everyone had a wonderful Friday evening (Halloween)!  This is what I spent the evening with!
YIKES...what happened to sweet dinosaur costumes...or baseball players! ;)  I love this little guy!
We had a whirlwind of a Friday at school.  We had our "first" real spelling test, istation practice, news, pumpkin book reports and Celebration of Learning!

Our word wall is growing!  Lots of words we are expected to spell correctly when we are writing.  Sometimes we need reminders to look up and USE it!  Here are the words we have on our wall. Feel free to make your own word wall at home so that your little has a REFERENCE when writing at home.
ask, are, and, am, clap, can, did, flat, first, for, good, go, how, have, in, is, I , just, jump, like, my, nice, on, pack, saw, said, she, see, they, they, up, want, yes, you.
Words we will be adding this coming week are: was, do, dad, get, small
Remember to look at the rime (ending chunk sound) in words to help spell other words that rhyme! WE know that in English there are often lots of ways to spell a rime...BUT this is a great place to START!
With that being said...our first FULL spelling test went very well! Congratulations to all my littles!

no words to explain what an amazing job the littles did! We all enjoyed see their creations...but more importantly...I think some were inspired to read some NEW books! (That's what it's all about...being EXCITED about books)
Scooby Doo
Fly Guy

Moon Face

Invisible Spy


Angry Birds

Junie B. Jones

I love the way the news is evolving!
The littles get more involved and come up with new segments!  I love our "meteorologist"...Have your littles watch the news, get ideas and LET'S IMPLEMENT THEM!!!  

Super Special Little:
Friday was his show and tell... I SO, SO,SO wish we had more video coverage.  The conversations the littles were having about this alligator had me in STITCHES!  I love them so much! 

Thursday we had the Imhoff family here at Spears!

And I can't forget...here are some progress pictures of our science experiment...We watched as the HOT (heat) air from the blow dryer changed the crayons to a liquid...but when it hit the pumpkin we were very surprised to see that it went back to a solid...the pumpkin was cold!
Pictures are all courtesy of littles! They captured some GREAT ONES!

Have a wonderful weekend! I can't lie...I wish I was outside in this COOL weather! I love FALL days...Beans and I enjoyed a nice 3 mile walk this morning!

Three weeks...Fall/Thanksgiving Break will be here!

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