Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Yesterday, just happened to be one of those days...and I needed to go home!! Sorry there was not a blog!
Now let's see what has been happening in 312 the last couple of days!

So, as you all know, my little lightning bolts have been "farmed" out to Mrs. Barcena and Mrs. Jones for 30 min (7:30-8:00) M-Th! I miss my littles and the CANDID conversations they have in the morning.  BUT I am enjoying my small group of LLI readers! I have heard NOTHING but good reports...so keep up that respectful behavior!

As I was perusing Walmart the other day...I found a few cute notepads with pens that fit into my teacher budget...I picked up a few and have been raffling them off each day! Who gets to enter the raffle you ask?? Those with PUNCHES!!! ANDDDD...we even did a little lesson about probability...
So...each little that has punches at the end of the day puts their name on a slip of paper...1 for each punch! Then we draw out of the basket! Just a little extra incentive to go ABOVE and BEYOND...expectations! We've had 3 winners (Camden, Rachel L and Molise)  2 to go!

We continue to work on making connections to the books we are reading! Today we made personal connections to ...

We had some great personal connections (Text to Self). Tomorrow we are going to read When Lightning Comes in a Jar  we will make (Text to Text) connections. 

We have continued to work with -ap and -an words. Don't forget to have your little brainstorm words that can fit into these families...AND have them record (write) them down somewhere. Hopefully, they will come up with some of our actual spelling words!  The test on Friday will consist of 3 -ap words and 3 -an words and 4 high frequency words.  These words may or may not be on our word wall!

In math we are using bridge to 10 to help us solve our 9 facts!  Today, we started to talk about if 9+6 is 15 and 10+5 is 15 does that mean 9+6 = 10+5....HMMMMM that is kind of hard to wrap around a firsties BRAIN...(at least I think it is)! We all agreed that they both EQUALED 15...but when presented with "Are the equations EQUAL."  It was almost a majority that said, "NO".  That's when I said, "OKAY, what will help my littles SEE this concept!" 

This little balance made ALL the difference!  YAY... we will continue to use the number balance as we talk about equal equations as well as exploring different ways to make numbers.  

This group was using the bridge to 10 dot cards to create their equations during tub time!

In Science we have just about finished up our Energy unit...How does heat/cooling change something. Yesterday's lesson was a big FAT FLOP...so we will revisit that one tomorrow...ENOUGH said!

But today...

2 balloons

Fill 2 balloons with equal amounts of water
Put one balloon in the freezer overnight

I think the freezer will _______________________________________.

Mrs. Schrader's class came in to join us today!  We had some great hypothesis' the balloon will pop, the water will freeze and make the balloon pop, it will be cold...

So, the first thing we did was pass around the balloon that had not been put in the freezer.  Littles said, "It's cold, it's heavy, it's squishy...(all great properties)".  Then I pulled out the balloon that had been in the freezer.  Before passing it around they noticed..."It's wet, it's shiny".  Then I let them pass it around!!! "WOW, it's FROZEN, it's hard, it's MELTING"! Great observations.  Someone asked, "Why was the outside wet?"  GREAT questions...we concluded that it was because it was because the ice on the inside was melting!  
So back to our hypothesis...How did the freezer change our water balloon.  
Conclusion:  The freezer changed the water  inside of the balloon to a solid. (ice)
We also concluded that once we took it out of the freezer the "warm" air started changing the ice BACK to a solid. This process was sped up as we passed it around and the heat from our hands touching the balloon!
My little SCIENTIST...

Super Special Student
Today we had a very special video message!
Braeden and his helper Matthew watching the 
video message! They had some very funny
commentary going on! 

Yesterday, Braeden brought in a GREAT book to share with us!

Pumpkin Book Reports! 
We were ALL VERY impressed...
Kate reported and created a Dragon from Dragons Love Tacos.  (Which by the way happened to be Braeden's Tuesday book!) 

Fly Guy!  Super Cute! 
King of the Zoo, Carlos

Way to go...these are better than I EVER imagined! Keep them coming in!  Again, UH MAZING job Lighting Bolt families! 
(By the way...I'm trying to let the littles do the video taping and sometimes...mmmmmm wellllllll enough said.) So, that's why some are videos and some are pictures!

Today we had LOTS of red in here! We are REaDy to be DRUG FREE!

Tomorrow we are going to have CRaZy hair...to show we are cRAzY about being HEALTHY!

Guided Reading Groups
Today we did some word building and comparing in one group! 

We noticed BOTH of these words begin with the digraph /th/! We practiced sticking our tongue out to make that sound!  We talked about when we put these two letters together they do NOT make their regular sounds...SO...it would be pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to sound these words out!  But when we see th TOGETHER we can get our mouth ready!!!

And with THAT...have a great evening! 
I can't wait to GET LOTS and LOTS of pictures...of my littles as ghosts and goblins Friday night!  
Or...POSTS to their kid blogs!!! 

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