Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Well, the cold front definitely HIT!  I, myself, LOVE this weather! However, the littles most certainly do NOT! (well, most of them) Our outside policy is...we will go out as long as the temperature and the wind chill are both above 32!  That is AT THE time of our recess.  SO PLEASE...make sure your child has appropriate winter wear! Thanks!

Already this week we have had some surprises!  Olaf the Snowman has come to our classroom!  He says he likes to play tricks and bring treats!
It looks like he had some trouble bringing some winter to our room!  But we saved him!  Today we found him hiding with a special letter!  He would like for one SPECIAL little to hug on him each day! So he watches and listens for that person that is doing the right thing ALL (okay MOST) of the time!

Not only did Olaf show up...but today we got OREOS!!! Why you might ask??? Well, we are writing those procedural expository pieces and BOY we were struggling. So, today we got to actually DO what we were asked to write!

First we got our cookie...(we might be just a little excited!) After that everyone started doing their OWN thing! So much FUN!!!
Sepano's second step was to bite into it!
Thai twisted that thing apart!
 Looks like Matthew twisted then scraped the icing off with his teeth! (with lots of windows)
And Lucas chose to twist and eat the cookie part!

After we ate one (just for practice) we got a second and wrote each step down!

Kate's went something like this...
First I pick the bigest one. then I twist the cookie apart. thin I chomp it up! 

Nevaeh says...
First I get a oreo, than I get some milk, next I carefully twist the cookie and eat the cookie with no crem on it. than I eat the other cookie with the frosting and I lick the frosting too it is really good, oh i also licked my fingers with the frosting on my fingers too an dip it in my milk.

How do you eat an oreo?
First I pick an orea. 
Second I tak the top off the oreo.  Then I lick the cream off the oreo. Last but no least I gobble the other part up.

Jefferson eats and oreo like this...
First I find one with a lot of iceing second I eat little by little
next I hafe the oreo and iceing
last I eat it all. 

Lucas says this is how you should eat an oreo...
First I suck the Oreo. Next I twest it fast. Next suck the Oreo cookie part and eat it and then I suck the cream off of the cookie then I eat the cookie the end.

and Molise...
First, I get a Oreo. and then I twist the top off.  and then I lick the frosting off. and then I eat the cookies.

Nice job littles!  Yesterday we tried writing one together...it went something like this...

But I think it was much MORE fun to actually complete the task we are teaching someone to do!!! It's hard for the littles to visualize all the ACTUAL steps to complete a task.  

So, with that being said...if you are reading any PROCEDURAL EXPOSITORY pieces around the house...be sure to include your little...Making cookies??? what would happen if we skipped....
Putting something together??? What would happen if the writer forgot to tell me to....

We continue to work with coins.  Yesterday was amazing and of course I didn't get video or pictures.  We thought back to our equal (balanced) equations and applied that to coins.  I drew 5 dimes, we figured out that the value of 5 dimes was 50 cents.  So then I asked someone if they could show me a different way to make 50 cents.  Sure enough we had 2 quarters and we decided that 2 quarters and 5 dimes were equal...Were there any other ways to make 50 cents hmmm...well we had 10 nickels. I asked if I had 10 nickels and you had 2 quarters who had more money...I could see their little brains going...some wanted to say that I did.  But, a lot of them stopped themselves and thought about those balanced equations we just did and realized that we had the exact same amount (value)!  We talked about listening to the question. Did I ask who had more coins or who had a greater amount of money? 
I LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing that light bulb come on!  OH and I must say...the way they explain their thinking these days...UH MAZ ING!!!  

I am finding that when I ask for them to tell me why or how they got an answer...THEIR process just flows!  This is ONE PROUD first grade teacher!

So...I signed us up for a gingerbread exchange.  So...we are receiving gingerbread kids from all over the U.S.  and we will be sending 15 of our gingerbread littles off across the country! Today, we had lots of fun finding places on the map!
We heard from Cincinnatus, NY, Dallas, TX, Brandon, FL, Pittsburgh, PA and Hubert, NC.  

We had a Watch Dog Dad here today as well!
Thank you Mr. Imhoff for sharing your time with us!

He was kind enough to help Mrs. Padilla collect all of the angel bags...
Here is what our special angel can expect under his tree this year!

Thanks to ALL OF YOU!!!

Lightning Bolt's Adventures

Lighting Bolt was with the Imhoff's over the Thanksgiving Break...Boy, I sure hope he didn't eat too much!

Have a wonderful evening!

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