Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Thursday, December 4, 2014


It's Thursday (and the END of Thursday at that) already!   I have had so much fun being back in the classroom with my littles!!! They just bring me so much joy! I have been bad about having the camera and i devices handy this week...Trying to get back in the swing!

Today the at math...I overheard two littles at the board looking at the anchor chart for a coin activity we were doing! I SO wish I had it on video!  I know I won't do it justice but...

Little 1:  Okay, look at this coin. Now look at the chart and find it. Yes, now go down and you see it's worth 10 cents.  Now, do that with all the other coins and write it down.  Now you have 10 and 10 and 5 and 1.  Now go add them all together to find how much is in the pot!

Little 2: OH! now I've got it!

Now, I am 100% sure that little 1 knows exactly how to count a set of unlike coins to 80!

We will begin our 2nd CBA later next week.  

In reading we are talking about the kinds of questions good readers ask.  We have identified 4 of them: 1.  Right here questions (questions that are answered in the book).  2. Think and Research questions. (questions that are not answered but I by doing some other reading or researching we could find the answer).  3.  Just me questions (questions that are just for the reader) and 4.  Author Questions (Questions that only the author would know).  

As you are reading books with your little feel FREE to stop and think aloud and model what questions you have about the book . Sometimes it is helpful to model writing those questions down so that when we are done reading we can go back and see which of the 4 questions we are asking most!

Good readers ask questions to help them understand their text!  
We also discussed today that good readers can be good writers.  They can model their writing after what they read!  I have noticed some of that popping up in our writing!  I love IT when they begin to find their voice.  

Speaking of writing...
How to Dackerate (Decorate) a Chrismas coce (cookie)
by Kendall
first you get the ingredis sprenkools frosting and a nife. So 2nd you get the frosting and nife and then dip the nife in the frosting.  then smoth the nife on the coce. then you put the sprinkool on the top uv the frosting. then you are done.

How to Decrayt (Decorate) a Christmas tree
by Gabby
First get a christmas tree at the stor.  Next you  get your ornaments. Then you go home and put a star on it then put jigall bells then your done.

How to build an Olaf
by Lauren
First you need snow, a carrot, some coal and some sticks. 
Then make 3 snowballs.
A big one, a medium one and a small one. 
After that stack them in size order. Put the bigest on the bottom.  
Now you are redy to use the coal for the mouth , eyes and buttons. 
The nexs thing you need to do is put the carrot on the small snow ball in the midol.
Finally put the sticks in the midol snow ball one on the side and then put the other one on the other side. 
( I very much appreciated the attention to detail of the carrot nose and the stick arms!)


This year we are to compare customs and traditons.
This month for our homework project we are asking that you take this time as you prepare for your winter holiday to share YOUR holiday traditions.  
You and your child are asked to create a documentary style movie (A documentary film is a nonfictional motion picture intended to document some aspect of reality, primarily for the purpose of instruction or maintaining a historical record.) You may want to use the imovie app on I devices!  

Or write and expository essay with pictures (expository writing is defined as presenting reasons, explanations or steps in a process.) I know there are lots and lots of picture apps for i devices as well as story writing apps!  

As you can see we are leaning towards using TECHNOLOGY for this project!  (It's the way the world is headed!)

Remember anyway you chose to represent your traditions is fine!  Please use creative freedom! 

DUE: December 12, 2014 (no later than Dec. 15)

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