Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Thursday, December 11, 2014


I must ask for forgiveness...The blog has been a mess the past few weeks (maybe months) Our days seem to go by so fast and I just don't have the time to video or photograph! Once again...I need that reality t.v. show! Any producers out there?

Super STAR Student

We were so lucky to get a "taste" of Ireland today. Thank you so much to the Noble family for sharing some traditions with us!  We LOVED it!

Lauren was most certainly the STAR today!  Thank you for sharing your time to make this a special day for my little!

Yesterday, Lauren shared her most treasured items. They have been with her as LONG as she can remember!


I seriously cannot get enough of these projects!  And to see the pure excitement and joy on your child's face when we watch them together is PRICELESS!

Marc Brown Author Study:
This week we have been studying Marc Brown and learning about him through his famous character Arthur.  Did you know that Arthur and his "life" is based on Marc and his life at about 3rd grade!  The other characters are based on people that surrounded him at this time. His family and friends.  

  • Aardvark Characters
  • Clear Problem and Peaceful Solutions
  • Lot's of Dialogue
  • Hides the names of his children in his illustrations (Tolon, Tucker, Eliza)
  • Has been writing for 30 years
  • Did not want Arthur to be a T.V. show until PBS Kids came to him with a vision that matched his own.  (everyday problems that kids face and easy, peaceful solutions)
We have had a lot of fun reading about Arthur with the other first grade teachers this week!  DON'T FORGET...tomorrow is a "SICK DAY" in First grade...and since we are all going to be "SICK"...it's a perfect day to wear our P.J.s, bring our blankets and feel better friends!

We are slowly working on our CBA #2...We need to get it finished  since some of us will be leaving early next week for vacation! If your child will be leaving early or returning late PLEASE let us know!

12/15 Week 16: 
Customs and Traditions around the World.  We will be reading expository and narrative text and making connections to ourselves.  Once again, we will "travel" down the hallway and learn a little from each of the first grade teachers! 
Friday: We will be watching The Polar Express and making connections to our own holidays. We will not be having Pajama Day for the polar express.  Since this is our SNOW BALL party day everyone will want to wear their HOLIDAY CUTENESS...pull out those holiday shirts. bows, tights, and colors!

Have a wonderful evening!

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