Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Friday, December 12, 2014


Arthur gave us ALL chicken pox!!!

Thankfully, this EPIDEMIC can be "washed" away with a little soap and water! Still it was LOTS of fun being SICK with our friends, in our jammies and with our blankets and stuffed friends!

There are A LOT of Marc Brown books to choose from...Hopefully, your little will be interested enough in checking some out of the library or even shopping for some at the book store.  We did not do all of the books in our Arthur packet...THEREFORE, if you are looking for some homework...feel free to read one of those Arthur books and complete assignments that go along with them! (Not mandatory of course...just an option!)

Super STAR Student 

This video is pure LOVE!

Thank you for sharing your precious Lauren with all of us!

Customs and Traditions...
The projects keep coming in and the personality of each child is shinning through!  I do hope that you and your little are enjoying PROJECT HOMEWORK...everyone is so creative and I can see the hard work but JOY your child has in completing! They talk about their projects all the time and the excitement is contagious to others! We can't wait to SHARE!
Twelve days of Christmas?  How do I sign up for that tradition?  

To see Nevaeh's project click here

Next week might be a crazy crazy week!  We are going to make it as NORMAL {fun} as possible...while still making sure we are focused on our learning! Don't forget the Holiday "Snow Ball" is on Friday!  Be sure to break out the Holiday dress!  Looking forward to having a GREAT time! 

We will NOT be sending home guided reading books next week.  With everything going on we, as a team have decided it's best to just keep those here for the holidays! That does not mean we will not be reading here at school!  And as for homework...a couple of choices: Your child can read whatever he/she chooses OR it can be a homework break!  Your choice!

Have a wonderful weekend! 

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