Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Happy Monday

Another great day in 312!

All reading groups went smoothly...
I was so impressed with my Literature Circle group. I was 1/2 listening to the discussions they were having about the chapters they read and was completely impressed!  What a great bunch of INDEPENDENT learners!

Fluency and expression for all of my readers is coming right along!  We are stopping to look at punctuation so that we can get ready for it as we read!

With all of our focus on good reading strategies during mini lessons comprehension is not a problem!

This week we are using Kevin Henkes as our author of choice to teach all about characters.  Today we not only learned a bit about Kevin Henkes himself BUT we listened to the story Chester's Way.  We discussed the difference between characters and main characters.  WE discussed how Chester and Wilson changed throughout the story and how Lilly helped them change.

All About Kevin Henkes
Chester's Way

In Math we are continuing to work on telling time to the hour and half hour.  We used ourselves to make a clock today!




I'm a smaller HOUR HAND,
short and stout.
I tell the hour and give a shout.

I'm a longer MINUTE HAND,
big and tall. 
I tell the minute and that is 

During our problem solving today we had to start to make connections and see relationships between numbers.  (fact families) 
We were first given an addend and a sum and had to find the missing addend. Then we had to use those numbers to create another addition sentence and two subtraction sentences. 
Feel free to have your child practice these at home. Give them the three numbers and have them make four number sentences.
ex: 5,7,12
And then pick one of the sentences to have them illustrate. 

Today was the first class meeting since KICKING OFF...STAND UP, don't stand BY!  Our first meeting was devoted to We Will NOT Bully.  We reviewed what bullying really is and I found that our understanding has come along way since the beginning of the year! We discussed ways we could STAND UP and not stand by!  This is a great place to start discussions with your little!  

This week's Super STar Student

Last week at Celebration of Learning...
Like I said we had some stand outs in our CAMP classes!  YaY Lightning Bolts!

This weekend I had the PLEASURE of watching these three dominate on the basketball court!  So much FUN!!!!

Have a wonderful evening!


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