Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Well, we are trying to jump right back into things!

Congratulations to Lauren Noble!

She wins Urban Air passes for bringing in the most...

This week I am trying to meet with readers one on one to assess where they are and if we need to adjust their independent reading books!  A lot of them are "itching" to choose from some of those other colors!

Next week during the morning we will be taking the CoGat. Information was sent home today in your little's red folder. (purple paper)

Our reading mini lessons are focused on media and how information is presented differently than just printed material. We have used tumblebooks.com as a resource.  Our response has been in the form of a t chart.  We are able to list the information gained from the text as well as list how it entertained us!

This week in phonics we have rimes -y (long i) and -and don't forget to practice those.  I am going to list all of our word wall words thus far!  Remember when practicing new words be sure to connect them to words your little might already know or are on our word wall!  This is a good list to have in your home.  Once these words are posted your child becomes responsible for spelling them correctly!

Word Wall Words:
ask, are, and, am, big, cut, clap, can, do, dad, did, end, flat, first, for, get, good, go, how, have, in, is, I, just, jump, look, little, like, mop, my, make, name,  not, nice, old, on, pack, play, quick, quit, run, rock, small, saw, said, she, see, they, the, us, up, when, was, want, your, yes, you, zip

In writing we are spiraling back around to personal narratives.  These are going to focus on "SMALL MOMENTS".  Today we watched Night of the Veggie Monster this is a GREAT example of a small moment.  That moment the veggie touches his tongue!

Tomorrow we are going to write a small moment...a time we were TERRIFIED!  It's difficult for the littles write what  happens at that moment...so we have to pretend and exxxxaaaagggerrrate! So tonight this might be something you would like practice and talk about how what they DO is what will be written!

In math we are using our good reading strategy of visualizing to help us solve 3 addend story problems!  I have a GREAT video but youtube.com is not cooperating with my upload. So...I will keep trying from home and upload tomorrow.
Yay!  I was successful from home and here it is!

Going to leave early again today and get some more meds in me for this cold and rest up! I'm not a happy sick person! LOL

Have a wonderful evening!

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