Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Well...we have almost made it through an entire after vacation WEEK!

Tomorrow, Friday, January 9th is ELECTRONIC DAY. (Thank you Milana for buying the whole class a treat!)

Today during reader's workshop our challenge was to find a descriptive small moment in one of our independent book box books!  We had several good examples.  I love when the littles are able to apply what we are learning to everyday life.

During writer's workshop we actually began to write those small moments. I can't wait to see them tomorrow!

We will continue to practice visualizing our story problems but this time we have to actually WRITE the problem...Mom, Dad, this is where you come in.  We need help with this. We've go simple addition or subtraction problems down...it's those pesky missing addends/subtrahends that are giving us trouble.

Show your little a number sentence:

  •  ________-6=15, 
  •  17-________=5,
  •  _______+ 12=18
  • 7+_________=25
DO NOT have them solve it...Have them write a story problem that would allow the person that is solving it to write the above number sentences!!! This is on the upcoming CBA!!

We talked about that where we want a blank to be we often use the word SOME.
We need characters and a setting to make it interesting and it must end with the QUESTION.  The question asked but be looking for the missing part of the sentence!  WHEW...nothing like a little creative writing during math time!  

If your child writes a GREAT one and would like to share with the class...I'd be HAPPY to hand out punches.  Looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!

In science we are talking about the way things move. Today we had some clear tubing...we straightened it out as much as possible and put a bead through it. We predicted it would slide or roll through and when it exited it would roll straight out.  Guess what we were CORRECT!!! Then I put a TWIST in the tubing and we predicted it was going to turn when it exited...OOOOPS... Our conclusion...it isn't the shape of the tubing but how the bead moves inside of the tubing! 

Lightning Bolt's Christmas Vacation!

Video coming soon!

Don't forget!

As the Dallas Cowboys prepare for a Sunday playoff game with the Green Bay Packers, Frisco ISD is declaring this Friday to be “Blue and Silver Day.”  You are welcome to wear blue and silver, as well as Cowboys clothing, in support of our partner, the Dallas Cowboys.  The game is set for this Sunday at noon.  Let’s all show support for our home team this Friday.  Have a great week and GO COWBOYS!!!

Have a wonderful evening!

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