Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Letter Writing....

with a purpose!

Dear Ms Guy
I relly want an elakchronik day.  bukuse we have ben relly good and I relly like minkraft.  and it cindof givs a brake to  you!

Dear Ms. Guy,
I am going to sea world in summer. I was wondering if you coed tell me some imframashin about the dolphins and whales please.
Your lighning bolt,

Dare Mr. Guy
I relly want a ten bucks so if I get no number changis will you promis.  yole give me a ten bucks plese.

Dear SS. Guy
the red tabll is kind of boring we voted a tv at the red tabll be cuz we are auwsome we love us
Love me.
the red tabll

Dear Mrs. Guy
I have some qwistons for you.  Is leather made from Animals or do we half to make it ourselves?

Dear Mrs. Guy
The class needs a stuff animal day.  because yor the best teacher in first grade.

Dear Ms. Guy
I really want six punchs on my punch card. Because sometimes I am really quiet.

Dear Ms. Guy
The red tabble's sicor's are getting small for our hand's. could you please give us some more.  we really need some.

Dear Mrs guy
I am unpasheent for store Because I want a pass to bring stuff-frend everything is better with Bear Bear he gos were I go and it is tro that he gos where I go!
Love your frend

Dare Miss Guy
I thaik you shod give us Pgma Day. we be trying are best in school and we deserve it.
Sincerely From

Dear Miss Guy
I really want you to come to my Birthday Party next week.  PS. were doowing roller skating. I really Hope you can come.
Love your loveing,

Dear Ms. Guy,
Can you get our class a poll, with a diveing, bord and with a jakusey. becas we are the best clas ever

These are just a few!  I love that they all wrote for a specific purpose and stayed on topic!!! This is just a sampling...Your littles make me LAUGH!!! Have a wonderful weekend...

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