Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Texas Project

Today, your little was sent home with a poster board Texas cutout and a writing paper.  Along with those is an instruction page.  Basically, we would like you to think about your connection to Texas and creatively design your Texas cutout to represent your family and its connection!  These will be on display at open house so we would like to encourage your child's best work!  I am attaching an example...this by no means was one of "The Best"...it is just one that got left behind {many years ago}!


Please be checking your child's prepacked food for anything that might contain nuts...

I am SO SO SO far behind on pictures and videos of our star students!  I will work on getting videos uploaded on Sunday and get all of what I have up to date!

We started our study of Texas with the symbols.  Littles were divided into groups and given the task of researching a specific Texas State Symbol.  They were asked to find The name of the symbol, what it stood for, the date it was adopted and some interesting facts. I will not be sharing all of this with you now since your little will be teaching you about it at open house! But here are some photos of them working!

After they found their information and recorded it on their poster, they stood as a group and "taught" the rest of us all about it!!! I was so impressed at how well they worked together, navigated the web to find their information and then presented it!

More Technology:
Prior to our study of living and non living I sent 3 littles away to become EXPERTS at Draw and Tell.  After we had gone over the characteristics of living and non living for a few days...the littles were READY to show what they know!!!
Two of our 3 experts...(one is sitting in the chair) are showing the class how to navigate to the app and get it set up! 

They walked the littles through the whole task using the document camera. 

 Then we divided up into 3 smaller groups so that each Expert could work with them on a more personal level. 
Thank you to our experts, Malia, Matthew and Lucas!

Last week the Lightning Bolts were in charge of ANNOUNCEMENTS...(because of  my sweet LLI group I don't get to see the announcements in the morning...) But on Monday, I got logged in long enough to snap a picture of some of them!  I heard they were GREAT! (I'm not surprised) 

Have a great evening!

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