Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday Funday!

Yay!!! Everyone came back this week.  You never know what can happen to the enthusiasm from Friday to Monday. BUT my littles came in with SMILES.  Today we started our morning work journals.  Today was Make a List Monday!  We are just starting so didn't quite have the hang of it YET...but I am confident that is will become second nature before long. Tomorrow is Tune it up Tuesday.  We will be editing sentences...

So...today was our LAST day of recess practice.  (unless we feel like after a long weekend we need a quick refresher) So, we had plenty of time to start our NEW grammar talks!  This year we will have a mentor sentence (a sentence we will work with all week).  Today's sentences was...She tunneled down to the end of her bed. On our chart I am to list everything the littles notice as long as it is correct. If they say something and it's not correct we get to talk about it and then add it to our list.

This is what it looks like.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE  their observations!
Lily said, "I hear SSSHHHH in she."
Savannah asked, "Why did they use she instead of her name?"
Witen said, "I don't think tunneled is a word." We looked at that word and talked about it.  I covered the -ed and asked what the word was "tunnel". He knew exactly what a tunnel was.  So I asked, "What do you thing tunneled might be in this sentences then?"  He said, "She crawled under her covers to the end of her bed."  WOW And after we talked about it...Witen decided he liked that word. Sloane noticed that the first letter was capital. 
Witen also noticed there was  period at the end. 
Savannah said that end reminded her of and.
Prisha liked the spaces between the words.  
And I noticed there were 9 words in this sentence.  

Afterwards, I read First Day Jitters. Listen to it HERE. Some had heard it before others had not.  I loved that those that had not did not give the SURPRISE ending away!!! But while reading guess what everyone heard??? YEP, our mentor sentence! And now we know so much more about that sentence! I can't wait to see what we come up with tomorrow!

After Grammar Talks we did some Monster Manners!  We talked about behaviors that are above the line...If we consistently are demonstrating those behaviors then we will FOR sure get a PUNCH...Then there are below the line behaviors and bottom of the line behaviors.  Below the line behaviors are more than likely going to COST us  (a buck at the end of the day)! And the bottom of the line behaviors...we don't EVEN want to go there.  
These will be posted in our classroom so that we can refer to the anchor chart and remember where we are!!! We are shooting for ABOVE the line!

And.....then...we started Reader's Workshop.  We got our book boxes today and practice finding our spot and what it looks like and sounds like when we are in those spots.  We also introduced the word STAMINA to our vocabulary.  Be sure to talk with your little about that.  We will be working up to at least 40 min of self sustained independent reading! Once we get there we will stabilize around the 30 min. mark!  I was so impressed with the littles 2 mins of reading today and then their wonderful ideas of what our workshop time should look and sound like as well as what I should be doing!


Tomorrow we will add a minute or two and see what happens! At this point I have chosen books for the littles.  SOON the 10-12 books in their boxes will be self selected from our classroom library. These books will be on their independent level.  I will be conferencing with students about their selections throughout the year!  I will want to see them selecting different genres as well as making sure they are choosing JUST RIGHT books! 

We finished that up and headed out to recess and lunch! 

After lunch it was math time!  This week we are working on ways to make 10 using 2 or more addends.  We focused on 2 addends today.  Make sure your little knows the vocabulary: addends, sum and joining!

 These were some of the equations they came up with!  I recorded several more on the board and we found out that there we 11 ways to make 10. WELL...that was until my MR. THINKER says, "actually there are a lot more if we use subtraction." SO...I added with 2 addends!  I LOVE when a little makes ME think!

After our mini lesson we broke into small groups and practiced what we have been learning since the beginning of school! 
These littles were sorting cards that "matched"!  
 A little subitizing memory!
 More memory with 10s frames and numerals!
These friends are practicing Race to 20.

Finally, it was specials time!  We reviewed how sad Ms. V. and some of our littles felt last week when we were not able to line up very nicely!  Now that we know our above the line behaviors...GUESS what!  Ms. V. was SMILING when I picked up my sweet littles.  

We came in and added a few things to our science journal had some snack and packed it up!

Our order is Due Sept. 11.  You can click on  Scholastic on the right side bar and it will take you to our site.  Our ONLINE code is H8NJX...you can order from any catalog online and Scholastic will notify me that an order has been placed.  Scholastic will ship the books here to Spears and I will pass them out to students.  This is a great program for you to build your child's at home library while also helping us to build our classroom library as well!  We do have a wish list online if you are wanting to purchase for the classroom! We LOVE books!

I will be sending home a poster board with your child tomorrow...This is our first monthly family project!  I will attach pictures of past boards to help inspire!  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use the poster board provided or let me know if you need another.  In most cases I would say change it up...but in this case...this size is easiest for me to store and display!  They will be hung vertically so please make sure the top and bottom are the SHORT SIDES! <wink>

Our lunch time is 11:00!  It is now okay for parents to come eat with your little.  We ask that you sit at a parent table and enjoy that time with your little! I look forward to seeing you all around! 

I love to come watch my littles participating in their after school activities! I would love to have schedules if it is okay for me to attend! 

Have a great evening!

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