Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

First Day of September

Today is the first day of September and it feels like the middle of summer!  I love summer and the beach...I don't so much like summer heat and the city! BRING ON FALL!!

So much went on in our classroom I can hardly remember back to the beginning of the day.
Let's see...we started our morning with our Grammar talk...we talked about nouns and verbs and how each word is made up of sounds.  We talked about what SHE was doing in this sentences.  We decided on tunneled as our verb.  Most agreed that she did this in the past.

Then we started talking about toolboxes and that all professions need tools to do their job! We sorted some pictures and labeled.
The objective was to discover that writers have tools to help them get their job done.  They need ideas, paper, pencil, maybe a computer or a journal.  We got our yellow writing folders to house some of our tools.  We decided good writers write about what they KNOW...and that their ideas can come from lots of places but our memory and brain is always a good place to start. Then we went off an wrote.  During our writers workshop time it will be quiet for the first 15 min. then we will have time to confer with our partners (if needed) and then share time.

From writers workshop we moved into readers workshop.  We reviewed our Looks like/Sounds like anchor chart.  We talked about stamina and everyone thought we could definitely increase our stamina from 2 min to 4! Some wanted to go to 5...but we stopped at four...we had to do 4 a couple of times.  Staying in our spot and using a quiet voice kind of got us!  Hopefully, tomorrow we will make it 4 minutes for REAL!  The littles are anxious to have some just right books.  So we talked about in a couple of weeks I would know better where to steer them.  Right now I just picked some books to practice with!

We had a few minutes so we read one of my FAVs  Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberley.
You can listen to it HERE .  I talked to my littles about pictures being my favorite part of books...but not all books have them! SO, I look for books that describe things REALLY REALLY well. This book is the best of BOTH worlds.  We will be practicing writing with lots of description!

During math we continued to work on making 10 with 2 or three addends.  Today, we introduced the REKENREKs....and the littles did a very good job.
And then...for science...continued to talk about the tools a scientist might use and what their specific job is.  Today we went over safety goggles and a thermometer.

Today your little should have come home with their all about me homework project!  I will upload all of the instructions and examples on our homework tab...

Have a WONDERFUL evening!

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