Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Thursday, August 27, 2015


This morning I tried to get some of our routine on video...but my phone was full...OOPS...maybe tomorrow!

Today we finished up our Yes David!  We had to think back to yesterday when we read the book. I asked what kind of rules did David not folllow?  How could we change it so that the teacher would say YES, David...We recorded our thoughts on our anchor chart..
Yes, David...

  • follow all directions quickly. -Chase
  • go to the end of line. -Sloane
  • wait in line patiently. -Kinley
  • pay attention to others. -JaKobe
  • be nice to your teacher. -Witen
  • listen. De'La
  • raise your hand. -Savannah
  • clean up your mess. -Prisha
  • be kind to your friends. -Zinedean
  • play with your friends nicely. -Luke
  • wear your clothes to school. -Harper
  • eat your food. -Alyssa

 Then everyone picked one rule to write in a complete sentence.  We did  a little HWT lesson and practiced writing on their lined paper. We then added these to our Davids and WALAA!!!

While we were waiting for everyone to finish and Ms. Guy to be done helping...the camera was HIJACKED...by a bunch of 6-7 year olds...This is what I found...I know the "newness" of being on camera and all of our other media will wear off soon and pictures will be more about what we are learning! But for now...they are having some FUN!

After we finished David outside we went...yep...still trying to follow the playground rules!  

After practice we read  The Recess Queen by Alexis O'Neill.  You can hear this story HERE! Then we had a little video of our OWN to watch...a bunch of Recess Queens who think the rules don't apply to them....

The littles hooted and hollered! They thought this was hilarious and made me PROMISE to add it to our social media...they wanted it on facebook...however I opted for Piggy Tales instead!

During math today we continued to work on Subitizing. Today we played memory match.  They had to subitize dots, fingers, tallies and of course recognize numerals.  This game was a HIT!

Math time went quickly...Off to the last of our P.E. for the week.  
Then back in to get started in our science journals.  Today we drew ourselves as the scientist we want to be!!!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my littles!  Have a great evening!

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