Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Here's the deal...Wednesdays are going to be our late night planning nights.  Today, however, we had a short one and I'm able to blog.  My PLAN this year is to leave by 6:00 pm (or earlier) most days! So, if there isn't a blog post on Wednesday you know we were meeting!
First thing this morning we did a get to know you activity that included reading our sentences from yesterday!
I am so sorry we don't have video of ANYTHING today...still waiting on our ipads...They are coming soon!

Today our story was NO David and David Goes To School, by David Shannon.

Everyone loves a good David book...with these books today we introduced a little Schema. As soon as I pulled out the book everyone (or what sounded like everyone) shouted DAVID!!! I could tell they had seen him before and filed his silly little image away in their "filing cabinets".  And since he was filed away they went to that file and pulled it out and there was his name.  We had a couple of other friends that have a dad or someone close to them with the name David so they had even more schema than some others!
We also made some predictions about who the "lady" was on each of the title pages.  And found that our prediction was validated on the very next page! We guessed Mom in No David! and a teacher in David Goes To School!  We are ALWAYS looking for proof in the text to support or negate our predictions!
After reading these books we decided that David wasn't very good at following rules or directions...We also noticed that both the mom and the teacher still LOVED David at the end of the story.  We had a discussion that both moms and teachers love littles no matter what...they don't always LOVE the choices the make.  It's very important to me that at the end of the day each little leaves knowing I love them and no matter what happened throughout that day it will be a NEW day tomorrow!

After all our discussion we had a little FUN and create our very OWN Davids!

 We will use these for a writing activity tomorrow!

That took us to recess and lunch...yes, two of our FAVORITE times in the day!

When we returned we practiced our Subitizing...I was so impressed that several of our friends even remember that word!  After subitizing with dot cards we took a look at a tens frame. I asked my littles what type of schema they had for tens frames.  "Boxes, 10 boxes, dots go inside, 5 on top 5 on bottom!'  Great job! I asked them if they thought subitizing would be easier with the tens frame...our vote was mixed...UNTIL...we tried it!  WE found it was SO much easier. We also found we could use subtraction to quickly answer. If we knew there was only one empty box then it must be one LESS than 10! OOOHHH I have chills...I've got a group of little thinkers!

We then learned to place 10s frame war. We didn't have lots of time to play but we will tomorrow! Once we were on our own some of us played race to 20 and some played 10s frame war!

After specials we talked more about what a scientist is! We saw a power point about ALL different kinds of scientist...  I took pictures with their scientist goggles.  We will add these to our science notebooks tomorrow!  WE are ALL SCIENTIST!!!!

Have a wonderful evening!

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