Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Wowzer Day 1!

I know we have a few teachers out there...and will totally relate to starting over! When my little lighting bolts left they were ALMOST 2nd graders...and today was going back to the basics...with ALMOST 1st graders.  But let me tell you...This year is going to be AMAZING! I was so impressed with their GRIT and determination!  I loved the way everyone came together to help friends when needed as well as their teacher!

So, this week is all about PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE...We will do everything over and over and over until it becomes second nature. A little glimpse into LUNCH practice...no, we didn't actually eat TWICE!!

 However I do like to try and through in some fun "academic" stuff along the way! Today was ALL about The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn. If you haven't read it...Please ask your little what it was about and have them share their card and YOUR homework with them!

After we listened to this precious story we made our own Chester.  I showed them mine and told everyone that theirs DID NOT have to look like mine.  If they wanted to create on their own that would make me so happy...but if they felt more comfortable with the tracers that was fine too!  We had several branch out on their own!
Then we brainstormed how we felt Chester felt. There were some AMAZING answers!
We recorded our first day emotions on our "kissing hand" and then did some writing.  Our paper said,
"I know ___________ felt _________ on the first day of school because...."  I was very impressed with the writing the littles did!  We filled the first line in with the main character (Chester) and the second line  with an emotion.  Then the littles had to justify their answer.  Some made connections some justified with proof from the story!  Over all just amazing! Then we shared!

So proud of my LITTLES!! 

Then it was actually time for recess and lunch!  After lunch we do read aloud and go to the bathroom in table groups!  Just a little time to calm down before we get right back into learning... NORMALLY, we would go into math but this week is a little out of whack and we did some more Kissing Hand stuff. We made someone special a card and added a "KISS" to the palm...be sure to look for that!  
We also talked about our behavior chart and how we get "punches"! So much different than kinder someone told me! 
Finally, it was ART time!  The littles were getting tired about now! I don't blame them so was their teacher!  None the less, we headed to Art after finding our "go home spots"! And no, I didn't go back into the room and put my feet up as much as I may have wanted to!!!  Made some phone calls just to make sure I had the correct after school information and answered a few emails! That 45 min FLEW by. Before I knew it it was time to pick the darlings up!  SNACK...oh yeah was the consensus!  We put on a little PBS Kids ate snack and went to the bathroom! 
2:00 Science time and we talked a little bit about recycling...because I found all SORTS of things in the recycling bin...and to end the day...some paper basketball for all!  I had a guest videographer...
Thank you Witen and Savannah.
And that brings us to packing up and going home!  Everyone got where they were supposed to go and for the most part that makes TODAY a SUCCESSFUL day!  I will be calling you all tonight to check in on your little and see if you have any questions or concerns!  (So have them ready...not sure I'll be able to answer all of them or solve the concerns but I'll do my BEST!) Have a great evening!

Chase was all about her Jitter Glitter this morning! Sweet Girl! Thanks for sending pics from home!

I cannot tell a lie...being spoiled is not something I dislike! Thank you to my sweet friends that knew EXACTLY what a teacher needs after the first day or week!

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