Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

another GREAT day...

well...until my littles left me to figure out my technology woes!  But...with a little grit...I figured it our and will be able to share photos and videos of our day!

So, our morning started out seeing if we could find our hook and remember where to put lunch boxes, snacks, and red folders!  Wowzie!  There were a few reminders BUT overall everyone did amazing!

Once we do all of the above we have to answer the question of the day!  (and this is how I take attendance) This is a picture from yesterday....
Today's question was "Did you make at least one new friend yesterday?"  The rules to the game go like this!  Try to read the question...If you are having some trouble you are welcome to ASK 3 (friends) BEFORE me! After they have answered their question the littles go to their seat and get started on what is on their desk or what is in their unfinished SUNSHINE folder! After announcements we can get started with our day!

This morning we "read" The Kissing Hand...but today I had the kids help me READ the pictures.  Our story went something like this!
Chester felt sad.  (My first friend wanted to say HE felt sad but we decided we should use his name since someone listening might not know who HE was!) Mom came along and said, "Oh my why are you crying?" Chester said, "I don't want to go to school. I want to stay  home and play with my toys, read my books and swing on my swing!"  Mom took Chester's hand and told him she had a secret. She spread out his fingers and kissed his hand.  Chester felt the love spread all over his body! Chester felt better about going to school. He knew his mom was with him. That morning after school Chester gave his mom a Kissing Hand. She put it on her cheek and said, "Chester loves me, Chester loves me!"  Pretty AWESOME SAUCE don't you think?

After reading the story we reviewed our first day feelings.
We added some new ones.  One friend said she felt hyper and one said he felt crazy.  We discussed if we thought these were feelings or actions...most agreed they were actions of being excited so we didn't add them to the chart. However, heartbroken and nervous were NEW words that did make the chart! After that we got our very own sentence strip..._________ felt ________ on the first day.  
We filled in the blanks with....WAIT FOR IT...yes...A SHARPIE! Boy you would have thought the littles had just won the lottery!
After writing we all shared our sentences.  This was a GREAT time to make sure that when we are reading what we say matches what is written. Some friends were saying ________ felt ______ on the first day of school.  So we went back and matched each word we said with the written word then we realized it didn't say "of school"! It's the little light bulbs and letting my littles make these discoveries for themselves!  I can see the reading wheels turning already for some of our non fluent readers! It IS going to be a year of GROWTH!

Then we went outside to "practice recess" Uhm yes you read that right...we like to make sure we've got those outside rules down PAT! <wink wink> However, it did give me some time to snap a few pictures!
 Look at those lines...Can you believe how GREAT they are?  So proud of our firsties I can hardly STAND it!

When we came back in we went over our classroom expectations that can be found in your child's red folder. Then I passed out some SCENARIOS...each table had a few to work on together...They needed to read it and decide if it was a rule followed or a rule broken and what rule was broken or followed!   Here's a bit of our discussions!

I hope those work...I've never seen them look like they look on my screen right now!  

After sorting rules and especially discussing the children were laughing and giggling...we were illustrated some of our class rules! And then it was time for the REAL thing....RECESS and LUNCH!

We came in and continued with our chapter book Ready Freddy YIKES BIKES and bathroom break.  And then MATH...Today we did a little math talk and worked on Subitizing! I know, I know that doesn't seem like it's a real word! But believe me in the math world it is!!! We are working on perceiving at a glance the number of items presented, with out counting.  I show them a card with some dots in a configuration for about 3 sec.  then ask them how many they saw and how they saw it.  So I might hear, "4- 2 and 2, or 3 and 1" Some one told me today they new four because it looked like on a dice.
Then we went on to play Race to 20! We played the class against me just to get the rules down (and YES...I got beat!) Then off to play with a friend! 

We came back together to reflect about our math time...

And then it was off to P.E.  So this year we have a PE sandwich schedule!  Pe today, tomorrow and Wednesday!  Please make sure your little has on appropriate clothing and shoes...
A quick snack/bathroom/brainbreak time...and then we went over our id numbers!  Inside your child's folder you should find a paper that has his/her id number and a picture of a keypad!  PLEASE help your little memorize this number. It is used from the time they start in FISD until they leave the district!  We use it at lunch, in the library and getting on the computers! So, I need as much help from you all as possible!  Thanks!!! So, that's life in Room 313 (in a nutshell)...I sure did enjoy talking to those of you that I could get a hold of last night!  If I did not talk with you we will be in touch soon!  Please CONTACT me if you have any questions or concerns!  Have a great evening!

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