Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

It's COLLEGE week!!!

"Set GOALS for yourself"
Dress in your favorite team jersey/shirt
"RELY on family and friends for support"
Find a friend and dress like a twin
"I have a DREAM"
Wear appropriate pajamas
"Taking it to the next step...dress for success"
Look your best for picture day
"I am in CHARGE of my FUTURE"
Dress in college/school shirt or colors

I went to high school at William Byrd in Virginia!  I participated in many after school activities including cheerleading, volleyball, track and a number of clubs like Future Teachers of America and Student Council  I enjoyed every minute of it (sometimes too much my parents would say) BUT early on I set my goal of becoming a teacher and to do that I knew I was COLLEGE bound!

Now, maybe my littles will "believe" that I'm REALLY OLD...like 101! No digital photos back then...Graduation day was JUST THE BEGINNING!

Be sure to check the blog throughout the week.  I will be posting more about my EARLY years...I will be including some questions...If your little can come in and WHISPER the answer in my ear...he/she will receive a punch for the day.
Question: Where did I go to High School (name or state) and what did I participate in?

Thank you to Elizabeth and Schaefer for ordering books from scholastic!  Scholastic is a GREAT way to build your child's at home library.  They have everything from "good" literature to "high" interest books for a reasonable price!  When you order from them not only are you sharing a LOVE of books with your child but our classroom as well!

Our classroom received all of these books for our classroom.  I will get them taped and put out for book boxes ASAP.

As you can imagine we NEED a lot of books.  Each little has their own book box and in each should have 10-12 just right books at all times throughout the year! They say a classroom library should include about 500 books! WOW...I probably do have this many but they are always getting ripped or just plain worn out after so many years of LOVE!

The littles come in and the color of their table determines what day they "shop" for these books!
We have started keeping a list of our just right books so that we can conference about what choices are being made.  If I see a patterns developing in choices I can guide littles to other choices that might open up NEW doors!

This week we focused on ways we can represent numbers.  We are trying to see and understand place value!!!

 We learned a couple of new games to help us with this concept!  I don't have a picture of Bulls Eye...but we had a lot of fun with this one!  Our target consists of a couple of 10s rings and a couple of 1s rings.  The player tosses 5 paper clips and records the number of 10s and 1s on a chart. They then create an expanded form equation...noticing that 2 tens is really 20 and 5 ones is 5 thus 20+5=25
In this game, we spin two spinners a 10s and a 1s.  We then build the number with base ten blocks! And count it out.  10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90...91, 92....

We created a looks like and sounds like chart for Writers Workshop this week!  And BOY oh BOY...did it make a difference.

I'd like to thank Ayssa's mom and Zinedean's mom for volunteering to be our room moms this year!  They attended a school wide room parent meeting this past week and were put RIGHT to work.  They will be getting our Spear-It sprint banner put together as well as collecting information from all of you!!!  Please make sure to read the letter they send home this week and help them out as much as possible!!!

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