Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Friday, September 11, 2015


Well...today was the day...we've been waiting for.  WOWZERS!  (the store) finally had it grand opening! And what a joy it was!  I loved listening to the kids counting their money, helping each other out, deciding if they had enough to "buy" what they wanted!!!
I overheard, "This is SO COOL...it's like a real store!" and that just makes my heart smile!!!! We are required to talk about financial literacy in first grade and this gives us a GOOD start.  Today, we had some friends spend spend spend and others decided they wanted to save up for the "good stuff"!  I emphasized that being able to count money is an important skill.  We will continue to work on that throughout the year!
Our WOW bucks are 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s and 20s.  We threw that 2 in there to practice our counting by 2s! I just love this reward system that incorporates so much of our learning in first grade and the littles seem to LOVE it as well!

All that and here are some of the things they can buy...

25.00    "Smelly Socks"  (shoes off day BUT littles must have socks on feet)

30.00     "Fluffy Friend" (bring a stuffed animal to school/must fit in backpack)

45.00      Have a friend sit with you at lunch (from another class)

65.00      "Cool Cat" in the HAT day. (wear a hat to school)

75.00      Buy a pencil or something from treasure box (if anyone has things to donate...)

100.00    Be PROUD to read ALOUD to Kinder class

105.00     Switch A Roo (swap desks with a someone in class for the day)

125.00     Class Surprise (electronic day, pajama day, extra recess.... for the whole class to enjoy)

So, if your little comes home and says they are allowed to bring a stuffed friend or take their shoes off or bring a hat etc...chances are they are telling the truth!  They are allowed to trade their "gift coupon" in when they choose to do so!

Our weeks keep getting better and better! Have a great weekend. To all my football players and cheerleaders...Good luck as the season gets started!

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