Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Wow! What a day...we came in and just started running!  Today was our first day of WIN (whatever I need)! The kiddos were SO excited to be switching classes...Everyone one had a great 30 minutes of focused instruction!

From there we moved right into writing and identifying the features we should be using in our personal narrative!  WHOA WHOA back it up...what is a personal narrative? We figured out the personal part and then started guessing...space was my favorite!  Finally, we made the connection to writing and someone said, "Is it a story?".  DING DING DING   I'm so proud of this group and their ability to think things through and make such connections!  Then we started thinking and listing what we thought needed to be included in a personal narrative...#cute312 tweeted out this list...

We then connected our A Moment in Time by Jennifer Bulenas...We checked to see if her story included anything in our list! We checked them off one by one!  This is a NEW book so it's not on youtube as a read aloud but WOW!  It is powerful...click HERE for a sneak peek!!!  

One of our budding authors...
One burning hot day I was playing my harmonica in my room when my sister interepted me ad grumbled, can you please stop disturbing moi, I am doing my french asinment.  I frowned and went to another room.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her word choice...Setting check, actions check, feelings check, dialogue check, Beg, Middle, End check!  However, are there things that still need to be tweaked! ABSOLUTELY!!! The writing process at its BEST!

After writing we started making connections to well known literature.  Today, we made connections to Goldilocks and the Three Bears!  I posed this connection...I have a teddy bear!  and asked if they thought that was a meaningful connection. Thankfully, there was a shout of NO!  Then I posed this scenario...I went to the store and tried on a pair of pants...I didn't have a belt and they fell off, I tried on another pair and tried to sit down and oops they ripped and so I tried on one more pair and they were the perfect fit!  They thought that was much more meaningful!  Since Goldilocks tries everything until she finds the just right one!  AND YEP..sure enough the littles connected to shopping for books in the classroom and knowing their colors are the just right books for them!  

In math we are beginning to learn some strategies that will help us when adding and subtracting. Today we talked in depth about adding with nine! 9+3=10+2, 9+5=10+4  so we are moving one from the 2nd addend and adding it to the 9 to make 10! We all think adding with 10 is MUCH EASIER!!!
We also started talking about doubles.  
The littles caught onto the pattern of counting by twos right away!!!  Both of these strategies will make our problem solving a lot easier! 

And then SCIENCE!  I really wish I had had a free hand to video...The littles were all excited and engaged in our lesson on Matter today! Their first question was, "What's matter"?  I told them I had NO IDEA...and that was our goal today!  First...I showed them a balloon that was "empty", I could squeeze it and change the balloon's shape BUT all they could do was look at it and make a prediction.  Then I showed them another balloon that was heavier than the first and was "jiggly" and could be squeezed to change the shape BUT all they could do was look and predict.  Then I brought in the final one.  It was heavier than the first but I could NOT change it's shape by squeezing it...But all they could do was look and predict!  Then...we came to the carpet and sat in a circle. I passed the balloons around one by one and the littles could not observe with their eyes, ears, nose, and hands!  I did allow them to make some changes to their predictions with the new information!  
Once everyone was finished with predictions we cut those balloons open and what do you know?  We started with the heavy, hard one...sure enough ice came out of that balloon and we all knew ice was a SOLID that doesn't change it's shape when it is removed...Then the "jiggly" one...WATER squirted out and poor Chase got a bit of a shower...we could see the water and that when it emptied into the big tub it spread out and it's shape changed to the the shape of the tub...a LIQUID!  And last but not least that "empty" one...Was it really empty? NOPE something was keeping that balloon nice and round because when I cut it open it went flat...we all inferred it was AIR but what kind of matter was air.  We talked a bit about Helium and one smart cookie said it was a GAS...but where did it go?   
So now we have a better idea of what MATTER is...now onto our learning objective...what happens when we add heat or cold to matter? How does it change?  We will be doing some fun things to discover this throughout the rest of the week! The littles won't want to MISS it! 

Friday is Spirit Sprint! Our shirts have arrived. I will be send them home tomorrow! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure your little is in it on Friday!  My sweet Badgers are very concerned 
about this because Friday is uniform day!  I assured them that this one time it would be OKAY...please make sure your child has on proper shoes for running...no flip flops or sandals!  And remember if you choose to come and support us and then want to take your little home...they MUST be checked out through the office and this will be marked as an early dismissal on their attendance!  
We will head outside at 12:20 and begin running at 12:40! Thank you all for your SUPPORT of Spears, room 312, ME and your LITTLE!  

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