Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Monday, October 27, 2014


My time with the littles today was RUSHED...Boooooo...

This morning everyone did a great job getting to their "new" classroom. Mrs. Barcena's group even got a COMPLIMENT! Makes this teacher SOOO HAPPY!  Let's keep-it-up! At 8:00 we all have to remember to unpack our backpacks and bring in our red folders...

RED FOLDERS...now that we have been in school for 9 weeks...this is each littles responsibility!
If folders are not unpacked and put in the red tub at 8:00 or it has been forgotten that day there will be a little note that says, "no folder".  This will also mean that no numbers, punches or wow bucks will be given out!  We do not have HUGE problem with this and I try not to make a big fuss about...but there is a consequence since this has been an expectation for 9 weeks!

Well, we got unpacked and not a MINUTE later it was time to Kick Off Red Ribbon Week with the High Flyers! (I will add video and pictures once my phone charges...ooppss left it tooooo looong today!)

 These two guys are Plano Police officers that travel to schools sharing their DRUG FREE message!

Once we came in we got right to work on our TWO word families for this week.

We are focused on short /a/ .  -ap and -an  The words on the word wall to HELP us with these families are clap and can!  Don't forget to study SPELLING WORDS...we will work with the families but will not be practicing the exact WORDS! You can find the list of words up in our "I can" statements or on the first grade website!

Then we moved into our Read to Self and everyone did a great job. During this time I was able to pull several Guided reading groups and get some books sent home!  Those that DID not get a book today will get one tomorrow and then...I THINK I will be off and RUNNING!(uhm...don't expect too much from me PU-LEEESE!)

We  cleaned out our writing folders today. Each little did a bit of self assessing and gave me what THEY thought was their BEST piece of writing this past 9 weeks! I will keep this in a safe place so that we can use it to assess our future writing! I sent the rest home. (We have nice empty, clean, writing folders to start the 2nd quarter of our year.)

And before I knew it...it was recess time!

And JUST to keep things INTERESTING...they added the salad bar in today...(without any food) Anyway...this changed the way we go through the line in the cafeteria! I'm SURE the littles will adapt much faster than me! LOL

After lunch...We got to learn more about one of our FAVORITE, super special Littles!
Videos processing!

AND much to my SURPRISE/CHAGRIN...Mrs. Bustillos
was in our classroom doing a little checking up called a walk through... or in her case a "roll through"!  

She and Mrs. Corley (no picture available...) periodically come through our classroom just checking out what's going on (okay really they are looking to make sure I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing...)!  I get REALLY REALLY Nervous....Kind of like Curriculum Night!   The lightning bolts were amazing so for that I'm so blessed!

We demonstrated our knowledge of our math strategy Doubles  (5+5) and then added in Doubles plus one (5+6)  and Doubles plus 2 (7+9)...Someone asked if we could do doubles plus three...But I explained that this was moving into another strategy called  Counting on! 

We did a little problem solving and then some NEW math tubs!  We all love TUB TIME! 

We are finishing up how heating and cooling change things this week.  Today...we did a little experiment...We found out that heat can change ICE cream (a solid) into mmmmm deliciousness (a liquid) Where did the energy come from you might ask...YEP our mouths!!! 

So before tasting we posed the question: How does heat CHANGE ice cream?
Once we opened our ice cream I asked them to turn their cup over...WHAT A MESS...Nope...we discovered the ice cream was a solid and wasn't going anywhere! Then we dug our spoons into the solid and put it in our mouth...

"It strt as a solid then it is a liqid."
"Are body tepcher is 98 dgres farinhite to melt the ice cream" 
Oh my...Little Scientists at work!

We have another heating/cooling experiment to work on tomorrow!  FUN TIMES!

Our first PUMPKIN homework came in today!!! SO STINKIN' CUTE. We will start presentations tomorrow!  
Tomorrow is FUN SOCK day! Let's sock it to DRUGS!
It is also LIBRARY day...don't forget books and puppies!  
Have a WONDERFUL evening!

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