Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday.

Today during grammar talks we had to REVISE. We talked about revising as a way to make a good sentence even better.  We will reiterate that there is a difference between revising and editing throughout the year!  Be sure to remember our mentor sentence for the week...
She tunneled to the end of her bed. Although, the was written by an author and is a good sentence we wanted to see if we could make it any better.  Here is what we came up with!

We thought maybe by telling how she tunneled might let the reader know how she was feeling.  We also thought it would be a good idea to tell the reader when this happened.  After we talked about the changes each little was asked to write their own revised sentence.  Here are a few of them.

All students hard at work!

She tunneled down the the end of her bed sloly!

When dawn came she tunneled down quickly to the end of her bed.

Just then she tunneled down to the end of her bed as fast as she could.
She tunneled slowly down to the end of her bed a few minutes ago. 

She slowly tunneled down to the end of her bed so nobody could see her or wake her up to go to school!

After grammar talks we went right into Writer's Workshop.  I modeled thinking about what I was going to write about, drew a detailed picture and then started writing.  As I was writing I heard "that's a lot of words!" So we went back and made sure that everything I wrote (all 3 sentences) were important parts of my picture! I sent them off...some were still working on a piece from yesterday...Some chose to get a new piece of paper  and began a new piece.  About 1/2 way through writing time we stopped to listen to one of our very own writers!!!
Yesterday I went to Walmart to buy a cake for my birthday!  Oh I was so excited.  I wore my most fashionable frock and shoes.  And bought a Hello Kitty cake.  yum yum yumo!! 
I love her word choice...fashionable frock and I also love that she uses speech bubbles in her picture! 

And THEN....da dum da dum da dum....LIBRARY!!!
Mrs. Coleman is filling in until we get our permanent Librarian...Thank you to Mrs. Coleman.  She talked with us about how to take care of books as well as how to use a shelf marker!  Then we practiced using the shelf marker to get a book off the shelf and return it to its home!  We will practice again next week. THE FOLLOWING Wednesday will be our first try at choosing our OWN book OFF the SHELF! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help your little remember to bring his/her book back EACH Wednesday....so that they can check out another.  

Today during math we recorded the 11 ways to make 10 using 2 addends on paper.  We used unifix cubes to help us.  Some of the littles are catching onto the pattern VERY quickly! Some are still working.  Most have the the first half down pat...0+1, 1+9, 2+8, 3+7, 4+6 and 5+5... 1/2 the battle right there.  Tomorrow we will try to connect these facts with their turn around partners!

After FLEX P.E. which means we have some health time each week we did some science!
Today we went over a hand lens and a balance scale.  After recording the use for these two tools we were allowed to explore with them. We had lots of fun finding tiny things and making them look BIGGER!!!

Have a wonderful evening! 

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