Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Hello, hello!

Missing a day really throws me OFF...our planning went late as expected!! And my "101" year old brain has blocked out what we did yesterday so I can't even do a recap! #YIKES...
Except for my mystery camera man at library...LOVE LOVE LOVE this little!

Moms/Dads...can you guess who the mystery person is?

A bigger clue...and...

Great job recording our library session!  Our NEW librarian is scheduled to start on Monday! Thanks to Ms. Coleman for holding down the fort the first couple of weeks!  Do we have any volunteers that could help in the library on Wednesdays from at least 9:30-10:00?  Let me know if you would like to help room 312 use shelf markers/find books/check out books.


  • All About Me Posters Due Monday, Sept. 14, 2015
  • Spelling Test Tomorrow can, and, my, you, are
Today, as usual, we had a busy, busy day!

This morning, our check in "question" says, "We can be superhero readers for 10 minutes today." Today was the FIRST day I saw my littles really trying to figure out what it said and if they didn't know found someone that could help!  Everyone but one friend thought we could do it!!! And then...we didn't get a chance to find out because other things ran LONG!

Today's morning work was Think out of the box Thursday...

Then it was GRAMMAR TALK time!  On Thursdays, we talk about ways we could write sentences like the mentor text! 
Mentor Text:
Neither can I, thought Chrysanthemum miserably.
I agree, thought Witen madly.
I do too, thought Leena happily.
Not me, thought Lily furiously.
"Neither can I", shouted Prisha surprisingly!

Wednesday's Grammar Talk was all about REVISING that mentor text.
Sadly, Chrysanthemum wilted and agreed with Victoria.
Chrysanthemum slouched behind Victoria.

After, all of our talking we did some Handwriting Without Tears (known at HWT from here on out)...We used our FUN HWT songs as a little bit of a brain break! Our first one is about where we start our letters (AT THE TOP) and the second one is about posture.  Tomorrow I will make sure I have the videoing READY!!!
After getting our wiggles out we actually started some Frog jumping letters capital F and E! I LOVE the way their letters look in their handwriting book....Now we have to work on transfer to our OTHER paper! I will be send home a copy of what their letters should look like at conferences so that they can practice at home as well!  I am a firm believer of handwriting practice BUT...I have a hard time correcting handwriting during writer's workshop.  I think the focus of writer's workshop is more about ideas and content and if I start making my littles rewrite it just becomes TEDIOUS!  With that being said handwriting MUST be legible at all times! We will always STRIVE to do our very best!

During writing today, we focused on making sure we were not JUST illustrating.  We looked at some published authors and noticed that while there were pictures on every page there was also TEXT to go along with those illustrations!  The illustrations and pictures TOGETHER tell the story! The littles worked hard on their pieces.  They are all in different stages and once assessments are done we will start setting writing GOALS. These goals will be set during our small group conferencing days!  I'm very excited to be sitting down with my littles and really talking about their writing and where they are ROCKING IT OUT and what they still need help with!

Today at Reader's workshop we only had time to pass out our very special Response Journals.  We connected to our writing and discussed that good readers keep journals about the books they read.  It helps them remember what they like and don't like from certain books!   Our book boxes are filling up with all kinds of GREAT reading tools! I think everyone is getting excited about reading!

After lunch today we had our first computer (istation time).  ASSESSMENT number one CHECK.  Now I have a starting point for our face to face reading assessment the DRA.  Giving the DRA allows me to witness READING strategies and behaviors in EACH child.  These will allow me to group the littles into flexible groups that will best meet their needs.   

When we returned from istation we listened/watch Corduroy by Freeman.  Click HERE to see/hear the story.  What in the WORLD does this have to do with math?  WELLLLLLL....Corduroy's button POPPED off...So we decided to count our buttons...we didn't have very many...but everyone that that a or some buttons (we cheated and used snaps as well) got a unifix cube for each one.  We sat in a big group and LOW AND BEHOLD... those "buttons" popped off into a pile in the middle of our circle!  The littles were asked to count them...it was next to impossible. So we talked about how we could sort or GROUP them to make it easier...group them by color...NOPE didn't help us count the buttons...group them in straight lines by color...well we could count them a little easier but not more EFFICIENTLY...put them in one big line....still not as efficient as I would like...And YEP...finally one of these smarties said how about putting them in groups of 10. We tried that. Connected 10 cubes so everyone knew it was a GROUP and then counted the left overs or ONES. We had 17 buttons in our classroom today!

When we came back from Specials the littles brought in backpacks and got out their science journals! #hearthappy We discussed our weather graph (which by the way...also make my heart happy...) We noticed that we have used A LOT of different weather symbols this week. We've had sunny, rainy, cloudy and partly sunny!  Usually, when we do this activity it's pretty BLAH BLAH BLAH sunny, sunny sunny! We predicted that tomorrow it might be rainy since it was so cloudy this afternoon!
Then we discussed rain.  The rain begins as water vapor (evaporation from water on the ground) and collects as a cloud.   When the cloud is saturated or heavy droplets form and fall to the ground as a liquid!  AND we connected this to yesterday's lesson of snow....which also begins as water vapor, collects in as a cloud and drops as FROZEN droplets!  We decided the difference is the TEMPERATURE.  It needs to be really, really cold for it to snow and it rains if it isn't cold enough to snow because it can be hot or sometimes cold and rainy!

And there you go!!! Our day in a nutshell...Looking forward to Curriculum Night on the 17th!  Have a great evening...

So...one more thing...I have had requests to come to basketball games, soccer games, football games and Halloween parties!  I LOVE to spend time with my littles away from school and would love to try and make it to at least one game but that me scheduling!  LOL  so....that being said...send me a schedule of when your little plays if you wouldn't mind me coming! 

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