Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Well...I did not get around to updating the blog this weekend.  I came to school Sunday but for some reason...there were other things to get done in the 4 short hours I had set aside!

 But I am working on our science tools video/pictures now! (being processed now)

Our day on Friday started out with HUDDLE!  We all enjoy a good huddle. (I have video...but it's too long to put up right now...so I will continue to get it cut down!  (trying to upload)

 The littles are getting so good at unpacking, checking in and getting started on their morning journals!

Our check in question today had NO WORDS.  It had two tens frames one completely full and one with 5 on the top and 1 on bottom = 10+6.  I had A LOT of  YESes  and a few nos.  I hope my littles are taking time to really look and think about these questions.  It is a quick check for me to find out who may need a little extra help with some concepts!

Our workshops were packed full of stuff today!

 In writer's workshop we practiced coming up with an idea PRIOR to getting to our seat.  We closed our eyes and visualized what we wanted to write about.  After I had decided I talked about what it was I wanted to say.  Then when I drew my picture we all made sure I included all the important parts.  As the littles started it was their job to make sure that their pictures were DETAILED so that they could write about it.  (Make words match their picture)

Our new mentor sentence in grammar talks is Neither can I, thought Chrysanthemum miserably.

I am impressed with their first day observations yet again!  Period at the end, I is capital (we had to have a little chat about why this is CORRECT!) there is a comma (what a great observation...we had a short chat about the difference between a comma and a period) Chrysanthemum is a flower and has 13 letters, It is a correctly written sentence. there are 6 words and more letters than words in the sentence. We then looked at who this sentence was about and what they were doing!  This was a little challenging for some today!  We figured out it was about Chrysanthemum pretty quickly but what she was doing in this sentence had a number of friends stumped....wilting and feeling sad were among the most popular answers.  And yes, we can infer she was doing those in this sentence she was thinking (thought)!  A lot of "OH Yea...I see that!" 

We then talked about our word wall words today. and , can, my, are, you   These will be added to our word wall and students will be expected to spell these correctly...On Friday we will have another spelling test.

Reader's workshop was all about picking the right kinds of books!  I had a few different pairs of  shoes and we had to decide what activity each pair was best suited for and how I knew they "fit" or were the right size. 
No one thought it would be a good idea to wear my rain boots on the trampoline.  And flip flops are for the BEACH ore places where we don't mind if they come off.  Someone even said they are not right for the playground because there is nothing to protect your feet from the wood chips! hmmmmm that's some mighty fine thinking!  My nieces saddle shoes would not be good for me because they are TINY and my feet would be hurting if I tried to put those on...just like if any of the littles tried to wear my gym shoes at P.E. they might get hurt because they are GINORMOUS! I asked them how shoes were like books...and BLESS my little ones heart...she said, "look on the board it says, "I can choose good fit books" Wow...they make it easy!  The discussion then turned to what makes a good fit book?  Knowing the Purpose for reading it (enjoyment/learning), and do I have an Interest in the book or topic of the book, can I Comprehend what I read and do I Know the words in the book. After discussing these we then started to learn how to "SHOP" for books in our classroom library! I will get pictures tomorrow!

Math time was about learning strategies that will help us when we problem solve!  We will be working on picking strategies throughout the week as we start solving new problems!  Today we looked at our rubric and decide most of us were NOVICES when it came to knowing what strategy we should use and how to solve the problem.  And that's OKAY...there were a couple that once they chose their strategy they could figure the problem out! We also, were introduced to a couple more games this week.  Lots and lots of new stuff! 

And even more new stuff...we started Weather in science!! We read Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs for engagement! It made us laugh...we made a lot of comparisons to the choice of food that fell to real kinds of weather.  
And...here are all the types of weather the littles could think of today...I love how each of them chose to organize their weather words in their journals!  Such little scientists!

We are also keeping a weather journal for this week.  Today sunny/hot and sunny/hot.  (I'm hoping we do get some rain just so  we can see a different type of weather here in Texas! 

Snack/Pack Up and go home...This is a bit of a hectic time for us...we pack up at 2:40ish and dismiss at 2:48...There is  a lot to do in those 8 minutes...BUT we have to remember to make sure we are leaving our classroom neat and tidy...I just snapped a few pictures of the two sides of the room!  ;)  I bet you can tell which side needs a little work! 

And now...I keep getting a error message! So before this doesn't save...Have a GREAT evening!

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