Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Tomorrow morning is HUDDLE!  If you have a Spears spirit shirt we encourage all to wear them! We would love to see you all there as well!

We are having a good week!  We have talked a lot about TOOLS...tools good readers use, tools writers use and tools scientists might use! It has allowed the littles to see that everyone uses tools to make their job a little easier.  Next week we are going to dive into a 5 week study of some tools a mathematician might use to help problem solve!

I LOVE first graders...it's amazing how fast they catch on and begin to start GROWING!  I have seen several areas of growth in many of my little firsties! And I'm sure it's just the tip of the iceberg!

Today I took three videos...I'm not sure how I am forgetting to use the camera more often...Maybe once we start doing some different things!

We are still Launching in Reader's and Writer's workshop...so the main focus is setting good ROUTINES for these times.  Right now our biggest struggle is our writing stamina!  We are working on "If you think your done...You've only JUST begun" mindset. This is hard for a little...they have put their ALL into something only to be asked, "could you add some more? do you need to edit? or are you ready to start a new piece?" With that being said...they comply and keep on plugging along!  Such great kiddos!

We started our day with our Grammar Talk. We talked about our mentor text and the verb the author chose to use.  We decided it was a STRONG verb that allowed us the reader to infer that SHE was hiding from something! I wrote a sentence on our chart.  I stomped down to the bottom of the stairs. We noticed that these two sentences were similar.  Someone pointed out that down to the is exactly the same and bottom is kind of like end...Another little noticed that the mentor sentence was about someone else and mine was about me so I used I instead of she! Here are some of our own sentences!
We are building stamina during readers workshop! We are working on using all of our SUPER POWERS to be superhero readers!
And Writer's workshop some of my littles that love to share!!!
At the end of the day we celebrated a special little's 7 birthday!

Happy 7th Prisha!

Okay....sorry not a lot of detail today BUT... here it is 6:57 and I'm STILL here for the 4 day this week!!! So much for my leaving by 6!
Have a great evening!

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