Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Friday Huddle Day

We love HUDDLE...

Little Miss Cheer is coming up!
I bet I have a few little fireballs that would LOVE to attend!  A couple of these cheerleaders are from Mrs. Jones' first grade class (a few years ago)!!

DON'T forget about SPEAR IT SPRINT!  Friday, Oct. 16th!  We will be running from 12:30ish to 1:25! Come out and support us not only with PLEDGES but to cheer your fireball on!!!

Just a few CHEESEBALLS! I mean fireballs...

A couple new faces you might see around Spears!  Mrs. Struble our new librarian and Mr. Bolby our new P.E. Coach! WELCOME to SPEARS!!!

Our GRIT award this month went to this little one!  She works very hard on all of her tasks and does it with a SMILE!  Love you Little One!!!

This little is truly a fireball.  He has lots and lots of energy.  But he is really working hard on being respectful, getting work done and playing well with others!  I am very proud of his accomplishments! We will continue to encourage this behavior in all of our littles!!!

Then it was time to DANCE it OUT...This little was ready!  

Author's Chair: I'm so impressed with this little and his knowledge of cheetahs. Thank you for sharing! 

Friday night...I headed out to belt testing for E.S.  She was amazing!  And not only did I get to share in her special moment...there was a former first grade student of mine testing for his belt!  He is now in 6th Grade at Stafford M.S.  He is a state gold medalist in Sparring and a silver medalist in board breaking...And is a 2015 U.S. National Champion silver medalist!  E.S.  is following in his footsteps I can tell!!!
 WHOA impressive!  Thank you so much for sharing with me!  

Looking forward to a GREAT week!!!

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