Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Uhm....where did the week go?  So, this week we  had a bus evacuation drill...Mrs. Barcena's kids came to visit on Monday, Library on Tuesday...so a messed up week again!  I'm hoping things calm down soon...I'm ready to start meeting with my little readers and writers on a more consistent basis! I promise it will be SOON!!! Next week we have the Fire Clowns coming to visit us on Monday but that looks like the only change in our schedule.

This week our Mentor Lesson in Grammar Talks is...A happy school of fish lived in a corner of the sea somewhere.  So today, we wanted to keep the structure but change the meaning of the sentences. We brainstormed what we called groups of things: group people, bunch of kids, herd of cows or bison, flock of birds then we brainstormed some past tense verbs: jumped, dodged, played, swam, played and then some different settings we could use: in the ballroom of a castle, third base of Ranger Field, under the slide at the park...
I then sent the littles to go off and create their own sentence using Leo Leonni's structure.   I took pictures...(the camera got dropped and broke...it was my easy way to share pics with you...) on the ipad mini...it for some reason won't let me take them off of it...AAAAAHHHHHHH technology...
So, I will just type some of the sentences we had...
A mad group of birds dodged balls.
An enormous excited bunch of children swam in a giant deep deep pool.
A bunch of cats chased a red ball of yarn in a castle.
A bunch of cows dodged twenty rocks on the top of the hill.
A happy bunch of kids skipped at the Corinth Baseball Field and slipped on dog poop!
A happy group of kids played on the trampoline at Urban Air.
I LOVE THESE...I hope I start to see this transfer into their writing SOON!  We will keep exposing them to these activities and I know this type of sentence will start popping up in no time!

Today in math we generated numbers using playing cards. We put them on our tens and ones mat so that they made the  "_________ is greater than _______" because sentence make sense!  We also had to represent the number in standard and expanded form!  This activity is getting the littles in the habit of looking at PLACE value and knowing WHY  a number is bigger than another number! This is a difficult concept...Most of us are catching on...but some still need some help!  Keep questioning your littles at home!

In writing we continue to work on partnerships to help us get ready to write or help us add to our pieces that are in progress!

Our VIP Cowgirl had a little show and tell time today!
A BIG hit with the girls...

One of  the WOWZERS store rewards is BE PROUD READ ALOUD (to a kinder class) this little fireball was ALL about it today!  I AM so proud of her...I snuck in at the end to catch what I could!

Don't forget it's Friday, Oct. 16th at 12:30!
I must say...this is THE BEST banner by FAR!  We get so many compliments on it!Thank you to our room mom Mrs. Gipson for her hard work!  And thanks to the littles for the Fireball idea!  

Tomorrow is Friday!  We will have 15 extra minutes of recess at the end of the day to celebrate our first 20 CLASS COMPLIMENTS!!!
NEXT Friday...will be our FIRST technology day!  Your child is allowed to bring his/her personal technology or board game.  Schaefer bought (for 125 WOW bucks) a class surprise and this is what his choice was! So, we are looking forward to that next week FOR sure!
There is so much more I know I wanted to share and can't for the LIFE of me remember right now!  Have a great evening and weekend.  I will try to blog again on Sunday...

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