Week of: November 30
I can...
write an expository and procedural text to communicate information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
spell: sun, run, fun, cut, hut, nut, big, not, look, he
solve word problems (start unknown).

use text features to locate specific information.

predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push/
pull an object.

Monday, October 5, 2015


Yay! Frisco Fire Safety Clowns!!! Thanks for entertaining us again this year while teaching us all about safety!

Today we started something NEW in writing...for the next while we will be practicing writing SMALL MOMENTS...like famous authors.   Today we read...The Night of the Veggie Monster! Click HERE to view this book!!! IT'S a MUST read. So much fun.  After we read it I asked how long they think it took for that story to take place.  The answer was about TWO SECONDS...and they were right.  I will be sharing other small moments in good text over the next few weeks.  AND we introduced the writing process.  I was getting ready to model and write about making my breakfast...when I walked over to pick up my markers, started back and spilled the markers all over the littles and they helped pick them up. <wink>  Guess what?  I just thought of my writing IDEA the first step.  Then I sketched my idea the beginning, next and next on my paper.  Wrote a sentence about each and called it done!  I went to pick up my markers.  I spilled the markers all over the kids.  They helped pick them up.  Sounds good! LOL...WELL, it IS a good beginning. Tomorrow we are going to write our story across several pages and add LOTS of details! Then I sent the littles off to brainstorm and come up with their own small moment with their writing buddies.  I met with a couple of groups that still wanted to write about their trip to the beach or their birthday party.  So, we had to talk about picking ONE detail of that trip or birthday party.  It's not easy but we will get there!
Like I said, we will be focused on small moments and the writing process for many many weeks.  

Then we moved onto Readers Workshop where we are finishing up using what we know about genres to help us set a purpose for reading the text.  This week we will practice this skill in our coding notebook several times.  Making meaningful connections is coming up next!  

In math we just looked at our 120s chart. I asked what they noticed.  After a while we finally started to notice that if you look at the columns only the TENS PLACE changes.  So...we can count by tens starting anywhere on the chart just by going down one row!  So this week we will be focused on 10 more and 10 less using the 120s chart! 

We are wrapping up our study of seasons this week as well! We are making a "diorama" if you will of the 4 seasons and how a tree changes throughout those seasons!  We enjoyed making our trees today!   

I love the detail in the background of this fall season!

ANNNNDDD, today 3 little fireballs got pulled to become an EXPERT at the APP Explain Everything.  I'm so excited to give it a try and have these littles teach their peers how to get it done!  

Have a great evening!

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